Not so long ago, my family had a bad time, and they are still under a lot of stress, anxiety, depression, and bad news. However, I’ve been paying more attention to what’s happening, the things that have reached my ears, and what I’ve felt about it. I haven’t stayed calm in the middle of the storm, and it makes me proud that some of my relatives are asking me for help and guidance. However, something interesting happened when I asked a jinni to help me. I didn’t feel it was right to ask him to go from my side.

While I felt it possible to command him to do my bidding, the jinni wasn’t happy with the idea of leaving my side, and I even felt a bit strange when I thought about it. I wouldn’t say he is my familiar of sorts, only a spirit I work with when the need comes and that I listen to when he has something important to say.
If I were to describe his energy, it would be fiery, untamable, and definitely wild. I don’t even have permission of sharing his name, but I do feel comfortable writing a bit about him and what it was like to work with him on several occasions. One of the first times when I felt his presence was during last year’s Samhain.
I was in the middle of my ritual, contemplating my crystal ball under the candlelight, and my eyes went straight into the ball, focusing on the shapes the flames created. I can’t go into details about what I saw and what I felt, but it was so intense I needed to ground, protect and cleanse myself just in case, because it was the first time I had an experience like that, and then resumed the scrying session. Not only I felt more comfortable, but also protected by a different energy.
Reading the 1001 Nights, I noticed that the jinn and demons are often associated with magic and Witchcraft, and some have also said that they are the ones asked or forced to do the witch’s bidding (Netton, 2013, pp: 377). It would even be possible to make a contract with the jinn (Sengers and Orton, 2003, pp: 31) in order to know for sure what each part expects from the other, and that they helped both poets and soothsayers (Omidsalar, 2012). That would explain that this jinni helped me during the trance to make things clearer and take the experience in a better way.
I’m not sure if it’s possible to send a jinni to help another person, perhaps it is something this one in particular does not want to do, maybe not now, maybe there are some that agree with the idea, but so far I haven’t felt the need to ask him a second time, whereas the others spirits I work with have no problem with it. Far from considering a selfish act on his part (and who would judge a spiritual, non-human spirit by human moral standards?), it is an indication that we need to work together, he and me, and that I must forget about including other people in our work.
I’ve felt the need to give offerings to him as well, and he seems to like the idea of fire in particular, which I don’t find strange at all. However, he has understood that I can’t leave an offering of this type under his terms at this moment. While he haven’t talked about it (and I should, soon, to know exactly what to expect and how to work with him), I’ve always gotten the impression he understands, remaining as a passive spirit with me until I can give what he wants to.
- Netton, I., 2013. Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization and Religion. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.
- Sengers, G. and Orton, D., 2003. Women and demons. Leiden [etc.]: Brill.
- Mahmoud Omidsalar, Encyclopædia Iranica, X/4, pp. 418-422; an updated version is available online at genie (accessed online at 10 April 2021).