October 20, 2011

Quar-ter·life cri·sis- (Noun): An emotional crisis of identity and self-confidence that can occur in ones mid twenties to early thirties. It’s said, that at about 45-55 years of age, men and women begin to go through what’s called a “mid life crisis” where they buy red convertibles, divorce their husbands/wives, date women/guys half their age, and consume large amounts of alcohol. Now a new crisis has arisen, the “quarter life crisis”. With extended adolescence at hand there have been more... Read more

October 19, 2011

Guest Blog by Andrew Steven: Expectations are often far off from reality. We think we should be farther along than we currently are. More money. More security. A better job. A spouse. Kids… We battle expectations with God, too. Maybe we feel like we have done everything right, and yet trouble still happens. We tithe. We go to church. Don’t smoke. Don’t drink. And yet, still pain. Things aren’t going according to our plans. Everything in life isn’t what we... Read more

October 18, 2011

So, I could run behind a day or so on blog posts this week, to the twelve of you who frequent my blog, my apologies. But it’s because I’ve been on the road with my good friend Andrew Steven. He and I ventured up to Northern California to speak and lead worship at a few places (Modesto Christian School, Creekside Community Church, and good ole Trinity United Pres) It’s so far so good. Great time not only with Andrew, but... Read more

October 17, 2011

[Written by Laura Lawson] We all know how the next line goes: but the greatest of these is love. For some reason, it’s never gone like that for me. Faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is hope. Love trumps hope. Ask anybody. Love is the ultimate motivator, the reason self-sacrifice in any capacity is even plausible, the reason why I cried more than once while reading the last Harry Potter book, and it also happens to be... Read more

October 17, 2011

Reblogged from AndrewSteven.com Road Day 1Now in Modesto, CA Read more

October 14, 2011

Strengths Finder is a book that was released about five years ago, by Gallup. It’s sole purpose is to help people find their strengths, so that they can then focus on their strengths. So many of us can find ourselves working in a job that requires us to constantly focus in on improving our weaknesses, which those of us who are in these situations or have been, knows and understands how tiring it can be to do something every day,... Read more

October 13, 2011

Okay, so I got something pretty cool up my sleeves :-O (more on this too come). BUT in preparation for it EVERYTHING MUST GO! I’m selling JUST about everything. My printer/scanner/copier, my desk, bed frame & mattress, to even my bike, and surf board, and large mirror in my room… I listed just about all of this on craigslist, here’s a bunch of it below and the links to them on Craigslist.. If you’re interested shoot me an email at... Read more

October 13, 2011

This morning I was reading through Psalm and came across Psalm 127. In particularly, verse 2 jumped off the page. Which reads, “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat- for he grants sleep to those he loves.” Hustle has been such a theme for me in my life. I’ve come to the mindset of, “work as hard as you can and you’ll get to your goals and dreams” but this verse was a... Read more

October 12, 2011

In an earlier post, I quoted Jon Acuff who said, “If you’re preaching the gospel on stage, but not living the gospel off of the stage, you’re not a pastor, you’re an actor.” This has been my biggest question in my own personal life, what does it look life for me, for us, to all follow after Jesus with all of our hearts, minds, soul, and strength? I think and I worry that we’re not doing that. I look at... Read more

October 11, 2011

Being back from the National Youth Workers Convention, quite a few people have asked if I used the conference as a means of “networking”. I politely respond, “not so much.” I’m not against networking, I’m just not good at networking. Probably for a few main reasons: 1. I hate small talk– If you’ve hung out with me for more then an hour, you’d come to quickly realizeI don’t beat around the bush. I don’t know exactly why or what it... Read more

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