Live-Blogging General Conference at Approaching Justice #ldsconf #twitterstake

Live-Blogging General Conference at Approaching Justice #ldsconf #twitterstake October 4, 2013

Live from…living rooms and family rooms all over the world, we will have an open-thread here at Approaching Justice for each of the five sessions of this General Conference.

We have changed the comment format at Patheos since I did this last General Conference. I would invite you to register with Disqus. Otherwise, it will have to approve each individual comment…and that can be tedious for everyone.

The Disqus format places the most recent comment at the top of the page. I hope this facilitates the discussion, though it may be an adjustment for those accustomed to the standard WordPress format. If anything, it will require less scrolling down to the bottom of the page.

What makes a conference thread at Approaching Justice different from the big Mormon blogs? They are large masses of comments dominated by certain voices and the moderators. Here, it is more like a gathering of friends….witty, chatty, and insightful friends.

All questions and comments are welcome. However, expect push back if you are too snarky or controversial. Since all voice are welcome, so is disagreement…just not disrespect.

I hope you join me!

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