5 Inexpensive and Fun Family Activities that Will Make This Christmas One to Remember

5 Inexpensive and Fun Family Activities that Will Make This Christmas One to Remember December 15, 2017

All of these come with their own risks, but taking risks builds confidence and usually character.

3.  Pay it Forward.

I love reading Facebook posts about people experiencing a random act of kindness from perfect strangers…restaurant servers receiving hundred dollar tips, the car in front of someone at the drive-thru blessing them with a free meal, or people in line at the grocery store paying for another’s groceries.  I love it!  These kind of acts aren’t complicated; we just have to be willing to act.  It doesn’t matter how much we spend.  What matters is the act itself.

So, this Christmas week, be on the lookout for how you and your family can pay it forward.  If you see a soldier at the restaurant where you are dining, tell their waiter that you’d like to pay for their meal (anonymously).  If someone at your supermarket seems to be struggling to find enough money to pay for their groceries, give the cashier some cash to help him/her out.

You don’t necessarily have to spend money to pay it forward.  Help someone change their tire on the side of the road.  Ask a mom with her hands full if you can push her shopping cart to the car.  I understand that this may not work in certain situations, but the act of trying to help a stranger out while expecting nothing in return is at the heart of what Christmas really means. God delivered His Son to Earth so that we would have a Savior — not by any effort of our own, and He expects nothing but our love in return.

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