Happy Independence Day? Surprising ways to more intimacy (Part 1 of The Unity Series)

Happy Independence Day? Surprising ways to more intimacy (Part 1 of The Unity Series) July 1, 2020

Unity Buster #1: “I want to do what I want to do”

The greatest barrier to being a unified team is our desire to spend money without being accountable to our partner. In our survey, 67 percent of respondents admitted to not wanting to talk to their spouses about money because “I want to be able to handle money the way I want to handle money.”

And to some degree, all of us are always either fighting that temptation or giving in to it. Whether by having separate bank accounts, hiding purchases, or making financial decisions independently, many of us show a secret belief that money is “mine” or “yours,” not “ours.” And yet marriage is designed for two to become ONE. We need to be willing to fight that independence tendency and realize that money needs to be “ours” if we are ever going to move from “you” and “me” to “we.”

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