The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 2: Sex Creates A Powerful Connection With Your Man’s Heart

The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 2: Sex Creates A Powerful Connection With Your Man’s Heart February 2, 2021

Sex Creates A Powerful Connection With Your Man’s Heart - Shaunti Feldhahn

We both want to feel close again—but the way we feel close might be very different

When we feel distant, all of us—both husbands and wives—instinctively want to find some way to close the gap; we want to feel close to each other again. But what creates that connection may be very different for your husband than for you. Although there are exceptions, we as women tend to try to create closeness by reaching out for a hug or touch, and a leisurely conversation over a meal. Due to the emotional and verbal connections in the female brain, we feel incredibly connected to our man when we talk with him and share life in a heart-to-heart way through conversation. Hence the reason for this recent article for men on the power of listening (Part 1 in the Sex and Conversation series). But what if I told you that for most men (although again, there are exceptions), nothing makes a man feel closer to his wife than to share life in a heart-to-heart way through sex? Let me tell you more.

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