Letting Dads be Dads – Even When it is Terrifying (Part 2)

Letting Dads be Dads – Even When it is Terrifying (Part 2) June 22, 2023

Question 1: “What is one characteristic that you have seen evolve in your man as he has become a dad?”

Do you want to know the top characteristic my informal survey respondents mentioned? The number one answer? The thing I’m forcing you to display while you wait for me to spill it?


Moms, you say you have seen patience evolve in your men. In fact, while many respondents amplified other answers (e.g. “he’s always calm no matter how crazy thing get,” or “he’s understanding of our children’s needs to grow, explore, and learn some lessons on their own”), patience was, without exception, a one-word answer. As if it needs no explanation.

Moms can seize this as a gate-opening opportunity (see Part 1 of this blog for more on what that means), to invite and encourage men to flourish as dads. How? According to scripture, “a person’s wisdom yields patience.” (Proverbs 19:11 NIV). What a sweet opportunity we have to not only applaud our men for their patience – but also the wisdom it’s born from! (And dads, don’t you find that encouraging? When you are patient with your kiddos, you’re really demonstrating the very wisdom you long to model for them – and your wife sees it.)

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