How to Find True Rest – Even in Our Busy Lives

How to Find True Rest – Even in Our Busy Lives May 28, 2024

True rest. Our bodies long for it. Our souls need it. And yet whether we’re senior executives or stay-at-home moms, we all know the feeling of bouncing around in our own lives like we’re pinballs in a pinball machine.

I know I do.

Ziinng! Time to hustle the kids out the door. Zoiinnng! I’m running late for my meeting and traffic is horrible! Zaaapp! My daughter is sick and my project isn’t working out right. Zooom! Time to rush my son to his guitar lesson, work on my laptop in the parking lot, check in with my husband (have I even talked to him today?), and figure out dinner. Zonk. The ball hit a wall and so did I.

I don’t know what it’s like in your house when you hit a wall, but in mine? Look out. Impatience, irritability, or exhaustion can creep in real fast if I let them.

Science and scripture show us a better way. And that’s why I invite you to join me this summer for a 7-week devotional journey into deeper rest. Based on my top-selling book Find Rest, my first-ever online summer devotional journey for women will feature:

  • Live, interactive weekly group meetings with me, for teaching and Q & A
  • Light devotional readings that can lead you from frazzled to refreshed
  • Bonus material not found in Find Rest
  • Customized content, based on group feedback
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