November 15, 2019

I recently heard from a man who was feeling frustrated because his wife is so shy about letting him see her body. He’s happy in their marriage and satisfied with their sex life, and he’s careful not to eye other women. But his wife still seems to feel like she’s not “enough” somehow. She says that her body has changed since she’s had kids, that she’s gained weight, and that she doesn’t get to the gym as much as she’d... Read more

November 15, 2019

To download this post as a PDF to share with your church or organization’s leaders, click here. Read more

November 5, 2019

  “In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace.” That was the headline of an October 2019 Pew Research Center article. One guaranteed to discourage every pastor and every Christian in America.   It is also entirely misleading.    Just to set the record straight: More than one-third of American Christians consider themselves “strongly affiliated” with their faith. Yes, that’s right: one third. In today’s world, where going to church is no longer the thing to do on Sundays, that is a... Read more

October 28, 2019

The new school year is in full swing (wait, didn’t we just take those “first day of school” pictures yesterday?) and chances are you’re in full-on schedule management and chauffeur mode. There’s a ton of extra-curricular activities that teens can participate in—marching band, sports, robotics, scouts, clubs, lessons, and more can fill the afternoons and evenings (and don’t forget those early morning swim team practices!) Great kids want to be involved and won’t hesitate to dive into a full schedule.... Read more

October 17, 2019

After getting their youngest child settled in at college for her freshman year, Phil began to notice signs of restlessness in his wife during their first few weeks of being empty nesters. Phil thought things were going great in their marriage—Leslie was a wonderful mom, a great wife, and his best friend. But now that the house was a lot quieter and she wasn’t running from one high school activity to another, now that it was just the two of... Read more

October 9, 2019

Dear Guys, This letter is to all you young men who are trying to show care, honor, and respect to the girls and women in your lives—in your actions, words, and in your private thoughts. I know you’re out there because I have a teenage son who strives for that, and I’ve spoken to thousands of you who just want to do the right thing. I also know the “private thoughts” part of it is not always easy today. Yes,... Read more

September 30, 2019

Did you know that my devotional, Find Peace: A 40-day Devotional For Moms is 6 months old? This devotional is so special to me because it was born out of a conversation with a dear friend of mine. She felt a deep burden that mothers—especially moms in the midst of unexpected or ongoing struggles in parenting—desperately need to know the peace of Jesus.  Have you read Find Peace? If so, I need your help! If it has made a difference... Read more

September 26, 2019

Hi friends! I wanted to give you an update on what’s been going on lately. I know a lot of you were aware that for a long time I was in Cave Mode working on the next book. Well, I’m excited to announce that I’m out of Cave Mode because the book is in! Woohoo! (Can you hear my staff cheering with happiness as well?!) The book—Thriving in Love & Money: 5 Game-Changing Insights about Your Relationship, Your Money, and... Read more

September 13, 2019

Summer is over and school is back in session! (Although here in the South, we’re still in the high 90’s and feeling nowhere near fall-like!) And our teens, like it or not, are back in the routine of middle or high school. Backpacks have been broken in, lunchboxes/headphones/power cords/permission slips have already been lost (and hopefully found) and afterschool activities and clubs are in full swing. So, are your kids coming home and filling you in on all the little... Read more

September 5, 2019

I live in the South, and Southerners take their college football very seriously. This time of year, it seems every car either boasts an SEC flag, or (from all the gleeful transplants living here) one from a rival conference. Allegiances are proclaimed on every jersey and T-shirt and Sunday sermon. Our own family are diehard fans of University of Michigan (my husband’s alma mater) and we have spent many glorious Saturdays (and some not-so-glorious ones) shouting at the television and... Read more

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