We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming…

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming… March 6, 2014

Friends, readers, I am taking this week off. I’m sure you’ve noticed as it’s already Thursday! I’ve half-written two posts for this week, but I’m having trouble focusing. Why? It’s not for lack of ideas or inspiration! It’s because on top of all the other things I do (parenting, writing, householding and so on) my husband and I are buying a house! We found a good one last weekend and we set all the gears in motion! It’s exciting, but as first time home owners, the learning curve is steep. My household is still fighting low grade crud. I’m still pregnant (30 weeks along). Between sorting out the legal hoo-ha around this house, I have to organize a move and a birth!

It’s hard for me to let things go. Nonetheless this week I’ve eased up on my son’s school work, my own spiritual practice, writing, and the chores. I know if I just give myself space to be distracted and confused I can come back to all of those things more focused. Of course, in two months time there will be another disruption when the move occurs and then again when the baby is born. Please bear with me!

For the time being here are some great blog posts to tide you over!

A post I wrote on coming out as a polytheist.

For those that need a primer on what hard polytheism is, let me direct you to this excerpt of Christine Kraemer’s book on Pagan theology.

Two brilliant posts from Rhyd Wildemuth: one on gods and radicals and another on his plan to write a book about Pagan anti-capitalism.

John Beckett wrote an incredibly thoughtful, critical, and loving essay on the short comings of Joseph Campbell.

Last, but never least, here are some great posts from Jason Mankey: his take on the Wiccanate privilege debate (he’s a Wiccan, so I appreciate his input), his review of Michael Howard’s book The Children of Cain (a book I thought was weak in scholarship, abysmal in editing [as most of his books are], yet I was glad it was written), and a post on suffering and the gods.

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