God’s Not Dead 3: A Powerful and Timely Reminder for Christians

God’s Not Dead 3: A Powerful and Timely Reminder for Christians March 5, 2018

Can Christians fight for their rights and be the light for Christ at the same time?

The third installment of the God’s Not Dead franchise sets out to answer that very question. God’s Not Dead3: A Light in Darkness features a start-studded cast including David A.R. White (God’s Not Dead), John Corbett (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), and Ted McGinley (Happy Days, Love boat), with special appearance by Dr. Cissy Houston and Tatum O’Neal.

The film follows Reverend Dave (David AR White) as he is released from prison to a flurry of controversy. The growing social unrest leads to Dave’s church being burned down.

Devastated, Dave is launched on a painful spiritual journey as he fights against the University trying to keep him from rebuilding his church, and as his belief that “God is good all the time” is put to the test.

Along the way, Dave enlists the help of his estranged atheist brother (John Corbett), who will support Dave in his legal fight, but also challenge him to recognize that sometimes fighting doesn’t require defeating those we disagree with, but rather finding a way to heal… And to rebuild.

The film is a timely and powerful reminder that in all circumstances we are called to be a light for Jesus in a world desperately in need of hope. God’s Not Dead 3 opens in theaters nationwide March 30, 2018.

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