Can Jesus Guide Us Towards A Better Political Future?

Can Jesus Guide Us Towards A Better Political Future? March 17, 2024

A Choice Between Two Evils


The 2024 election will be between a narcissistic, insurrectionist and an intellectually impaired man, who has allowed open entry into our country. We need Jesus now to find a better path.


The upcoming election didn’t have to be this way. Politics wasn’t this dark when I was a child.


But too much has transpired for me not to address the upcoming Presidential election. Often, I’ve had feelings of hate towards both candidates. Now as I’m writing this at 4am, I’m hoping Jesus guides me towards a healthier direction.


When Jerry Maguire penned his manifesto at the beginning of the movie, he had no idea where it would take him. I’m hesitant as well. However, between the sexual abuse findings against Trump towards E. Jean Carroll and Biden’s complete negligence of the Southern border, I am done. I am not bringing my Christian beliefs into the voting booth.

 Neither Biden or Trump Deserve to be President


I can’t bring myself to vote for either individual. Trump doesn’t deserve to be President after leading an insurrection on January 6th. There is no Christian justification for a capitol riot which resulted in blood shed and a manhunt for Vice President Pence.


As for Biden, his negligence of the southern border has pit individual states against one another.


In New York, Democrat Mayor Eric Adams is at his wits end. Buses are coming into the city bringing too many people, way too quickly. The violence, particularly between the migrants and the NYPD is terrifying. Many of these people entering the country have no respect for us, and maybe that’s because we don’t elect qualified leaders.


I’ll stop here because I’m getting upset. I’d prefer not to mention the number of fentanyl deaths or the loss of an innocent student in Georgia, but unfortunately such things are on the front page each morning.


This is Not 1984


Allow me to backtrack to my elementary school days during the Reagan vs. Mondale election. I was sitting in Mr. Foley’s class who was discussing our options.


Mr. Foley said something which had a profound effect on me.


He said “It doesn’t really matter who you vote for. The country will survive either way.”


I wish I believed that now, but after losing my family to Covid and witnessing an insurrection, I’m not sure this country has much left.


Everyone believes their point of view is correct. Whether it’s abortion or aiding foreign wars, almost all individuals believe their opinion outweighs the opposition. Stay on Facebook for 15 minutes, and you’ll see.


I’m not correct about everything. Regarding many major issues, I have changed my opinion or “flipflopped” over the years. However, I believe we as a country could do better than these two choices.

A Christian Should Abstain from Voting

Now, I understand many view the right to vote as something we fought for, and I mean no offense to them. However, as a Christian, I’m exercising my right to walk away.


When the only two choices are evil, I believe it is the Christian thing to not get involved.


I have found some Christian leaders believe this way too. For instance, an article from Desiring God by John Piper illustrates I am not doing anything unjust by not voting.


In this column, Piper fields a question from a devoted follower who is struggling with whether to vote in an election when you don’t feel connected to either candidate. The follower cites a few biblical passages to back up his point, but the one I connect with most is Acts 5:29.Acts 5:29 NIV – Peter and the other apostles replied: – Bible Gateway


“We must obey God rather than human beings.” I am following what I believe God wants, not what the political pundits tell me I should do. I sincerely believe God does not wish for me to get entangled in the secular affairs of these two polarizing candidates.


I’m living for eternal life in a better world, not one mired in dirt. In reaching this decision, I came across two quotes which don’t require further explanation.


“People know something has gone terribly wrong with our government and it has gotten so far off track. But people also know that there is nothing wrong in America that a good old-fashioned election can’t fix.” Sarah Palin


“When you need to make a decision, don’t let your emotions vote.” Joyce Meyer




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