December 11, 2016

“THE MARKS OF JESUS”—GALATIANS 6.17 [Preached thirty-four times from S.H.M. on 6/27/43 to 11/17/02 at Wheatley Hill] But they had troubled him enough in the past. They had well-nigh broken his heart. Just where Galatia was, and when Paul went there are questions about which some of us get more heated than we should, and to which none of us certainly know the answers. But we do know, for St. Paul tells us so, that when he first went there... Read more

December 10, 2016

The Corinthians proved to be the most trying kind of people—pupils who were confident they knew more than their teacher, children that were convinced they were better than their parents. Christians certain that they had left their apostle far behind. They had constructed their own religion for themselves, their own wisdom, their own spirituality, had brought them to the Kingdom, while Paul was still stuck fast in the mud. They knew it all, they had it all, they could do... Read more

December 9, 2016

The time is limited. It is later than you think. If the passing stream of time exerts this kind of pressure on the individual, it exerts it also on the Church. How long will our opportunities last? How long, for example, shall we enjoy the favored position we have in British society? You cannot take it for granted; and if the Church is not prepared and equipped spiritually, mentally, materially to act now, tomorrow if may be too late. But... Read more

December 8, 2016

I have just heard the very sad news that one of the giants among Methodist scholars has gone to be with the Lord today. It was already a sad day due to the loss of John Glenn, a hero of a different sort. But Tom, whom I knew personally, was a hero of the faith. Having cut his teeth on liberal theology, a Jewish friend, colleague, and mentor told him at one point– ‘you’ll never amount to much until you... Read more

December 8, 2016

Advent We long for glory. Sometimes, when horrors haunt us – the bombed hospitals, the children raped and silenced, the endless histories of hate – when horror haunts our undistracted moments, only the longing softens our hard hearts and fires concern. We long for glory, scarcely knowing what it is. We long for that supernal dawn to break wherever there is keening for the loved and lost, ending the world’s wake. We long to greet that rising sun whose rays... Read more

December 7, 2016

New essay on NT Papyrus “P45” by larryhurtado Today’s post brought the published version of my essay, “P45 as an Early Christian Artefact: What it Reflects about Early Christianity,” which has just appeared in the Norwegian journal, Teologisk Tidsskrift 4(2016), 291-307. I presented the essay originally as part of a symposium held in August this year, celebrating the 65th birthday of Professor Reidar Hvalvik, a senior NT scholar in the Norwegian School of Theology (which I posted on earlier here).... Read more

December 6, 2016

The following is a paragraph from a C.K. Barrett sermon on the Law of Moses delivered during Lent, 1949 which is still very much appropos for our situation today. Law of course always has this importance. It has it in Methodism. I know well the importance in Methodism of the warm heart and all that; but never forget the importance of Methodist Law and Discipline. We are witnessing a sad relaxation of Methodist Discipline in these days which is very... Read more

December 5, 2016

The Nicene and Reformed doctrine of the Trinity. (A paper given by Kevin Giles at the plenary forum on the Trinity at the Evangelical Theological Society annual conference, 15th November, 2016 at San Antonia. The other speakers were Dr Bruce Ware, Dr Millard Erickson and Dr Wayne Grudem; Dr Sam Storms presided.) Kevin Giles Thank you, Dr Storms, for your welcome. It is a huge honor to be invited to give the introductory address at this ETS plenary forum on... Read more

December 4, 2016

“CHRIST’S POVERTY AND OUR WEALTH’—2 CORINTHIANS 8.9 [Preached forty-one times from 3.30.38 at Wednesbury to 8/15/99 at Harworth] Paul was announcing a Collection, and he was doing so at considerable length. There were several reasons for that. One was that Paul did not find it easy to talk about money in bald terms. He could never quite forget that he was a Roman citizen, trained in the rabbinic schools, and in early life a well-to-do man. To ask for money,... Read more

December 3, 2016

In an age of self-centered everything, it is not surprising that a lot of self-centered religion, and in particular self-centered Christianity has emerged. Pastors seeking to minister to people’s felt needs, because of course they are the center of their own universe, rather than God being the center, has led to all sorts of slogans like ‘I’m spiritual not religious’ which translates as— I don’t attend religious services, I can be spiritual all by myself. C.K. Barrett and John Wesley... Read more

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