Weekly Round-up – Beginning tomorrow

Weekly Round-up – Beginning tomorrow May 30, 2024
This week, I embark on a new endeavor—a weekly series where I share glimpses of my life, work, and prayer. In this humble space, I hope to connect with you, dear reader, and perhaps learn from your own experiences. As of right now, I hope that I will be able to put a weekly round-up together each Friday.
Here are the key elements I plan on including:
  1. Gratitude: Each week, I will pause to reflect on the blessings that surround me. Gratitude, after all, is the heart’s response to God’s abundant love. There are a lot of things each week to be grateful for. I’ll try to share a few items that I think will have relevance for your own life or that might spur you towards new places of gratitude in your own lives.
  2. Joys: Our lives are filled with sacred spaces where ordinary moments become extraordinary. I will share with you some of the ways I have found graces in the midst to the daily journey.
  3. Reading Highlights: Reading is one of my greatest joys. Each week I will share what I am encountering in books and articles that are helping me think and learn in new patterns about the world we live in.
  4. Liturgy Insights: The liturgy—the rhythm of worship—shapes our days. Whether it’s the Eucharist, the Liturgy of the Hours, the calendar of saints or a simple grace before meals, I’ll explore the sacred moments that anchor the community of faith and hopefully help draw our attention to how the prayer of the church can help carry us into a deeper life of faith.
  5. Leadership Lessons: Leadership is not about titles; it’s about service. As I navigate the challenges of leadership, I’ll share the lessons I’m learning—lessons rooted in humility, compassion, and the example of Christ.
  6. Challenges: Life is a pilgrimage, and the road is rarely smooth. I want to take some time in this to honestly share some of the ways I am struggling or challenged each week.
Stay tuned tomorrow for the first edition!
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