Interview on 100 Huntley Street

Interview on 100 Huntley Street November 12, 2011

100 Huntley Street is one of Canada’s top religious programs, and here’s an interview that I did with them over the summer for my book Upside: Surprising Good News about the State of the World.

I did several dozen interviews on radio and a few on tv, and this one went really well because the host, Jim Cantelon, is not only a good interviewer, but he had read and thought about the book, and so he had interesting, challenging questions. From my own experience, and talking to other authors, it turns out that most (maybe 2 in 3, 3 in 4?) interviewers don’t read a book before interviewing the author about it. The rely on the marketing materials that publisher sends them, which include possible questions, or they skim through the table of contents.

Note that I’m wearing white gym socks… I forgot to pack dress socks.

Part 1:

Part 2:

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