The Awakened Heart (recorded talk)

The Awakened Heart (recorded talk) August 15, 2023
This is a talk I recorded at the Rime Buddhist Center.

Relative Bodhicitta: The Awakened Heart

Dharma talk given by Daniel Scharpenburg, February 12, 2023.

Music by Barefoot Bran Music.

Check out this episode!

About Daniel Scharpenburg
Daniel Scharpenburg (Gegan Kelsang Dakpa) is a Buddhist Meditation Teacher. Daniel completed Meditation Instructor Training under Lama Chuck Stanford at the Rime Buddhist Center in 2011. He volunteers at the Rime Buddhist Center as a Class Facilitator and Meditation Lead. He was given the title “Gegan” or teacher and he has taken Bodhisattva Vows. Daniel also ordained as a Zen Priest in the Five Mountain Zen Order with Ven. Wonji Dharma in the Korean Zen Tradition. You can read more about the author here.
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