Easy Ways to Support Your Local Crisis Pregnancy Center

Easy Ways to Support Your Local Crisis Pregnancy Center January 6, 2018

easy ways to support a crisis pregnancy center
easy ways to support a crisis pregnancy center


Maybe you don’t have a lot of time to volunteer or money to donate but you really want to support a local crisis. pregnancy center.

There are still plenty of ways you can help out.   Fundraising for pregnancy centers is a continual need, since all such centers exist on volunteers and donations, and because clients are never charged for any service – ever.

Besides rent, pregnancy centers naturally have to pay for electricity, furniture, office supplies, computers, printers, and of course, pregnancy tests and ultrasound machines.

Traditional fundraising efforts such as annual dinner events, auctions, walk-a-thons, selling Christmas cards all help.  But creative fundraising efforts are always welcome and are becoming more common among pro life supporters.

Here are some inspiring, creative ideas for raising money in fun and unique ways.  You can help a vulnerable, overwhelmed pregnant mother take the next best step in life. 

  1. Birthdays!  Already have enough stuff?  Why not make your birthday extra special by donating your day and helping change lives?!   You could ask your friends in lieu of gifts for you – to instead bring baby items, diapers, wipes, baby clothes, etc.  Milestone birthday?  Why not celebrate your life by changing the lives of others with a donate page, or have a party and say “no gifts for me please but would you bring a gift for the (name of local pregnancy center) ?
  2. Baby Showers!  Why not throw a baby shower to benefit pregnant moms in need  Often church groups such as a Respect Life ministry, moms group, Catholic Daughters or Knights of Columbus host a baby shower.  Recently the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Frances and St. Clare in South Jersey held a “Baby Shower for Jesus”.  It was a lovely evening complete with appetizers, dinner, and homemade Italian desserts.  A young mother helped by Good Counsel Homes, along with her baby, were the guests of honor!  A small group of friends could have a baby shower on a smaller scale at someone’s home.
  3. Small Businesses!  Consider tithing a percentage of your business to your nearby pregnancy center.  Or having brochures available on your front desk with a basket, helping to spread the word about the good work of pregnancy centers while collecting a few dollars here and there.  A parishioner of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Highlands, NJ decided to raise funds for Good Counsel after hearing a representative from Good Counsel speak at her church.  “This summer I will be teaching laughter yoga in Middletown and I will make the donation go towards Good Counsels Homes because it touched me to hear you speak about the good work you all are doing for these women and newborn babies and I would love to support your project in my humble way.”  Why not brainstorm about what your small business could do for the mothers and babies of Good your crisis pregnancy center?

Other ways you can help:

  1. Pick up a package of diapers or wipes now and then and bring to the pregnancy center.
  2. Can you knit?  Pregnancy centers love to present new moms in need with a handmade baby blanket, ha,t or booties.
  3. Know of anyone getting rid of a crib, car seat, pack and play or stroller?  Or maternity or baby clothes?  Anything clean and in good condition can be put to good use at a pregnancy center.
  4. Carry pregnancy center brochures or hand outs with you.  Leave a few here and there throughout your week, at the doctor or dentist office, car repair shop, gym, at the back of the church, etc.  You might reach someone who could use help.

to locate a pregnancy care center near you, go to: https://www.care-net.org/find-a-pregnancy-center


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