Bikers in Leather Praying at Planned Parenthood: How Counter Cultural Can You Get?

Bikers in Leather Praying at Planned Parenthood: How Counter Cultural Can You Get? February 8, 2018


40 Days for Life is a powerful prayer campaign held at Planned Parenthood abortion centers around the country.  This week 40 days comes to Hempstead, Long Island, where a very active Planned Parenthood often has committed pro life prayer folks out front.

The event is sponsored by a group with an attention-grabbing name, Pro Bikers for Life.  What?  Bikers, as in motorcycle dudes in denim & leather?  Yes, those bikers, and specifically the ones for whom Christ is central in their life and praying for His will to be done is a good part of how they spend their free time.

The Bikers are based on Long Island, with affiliates now in several other states as well as in Europe.  They get together monthly to pray at the infamous Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood in Manhattan, where they often take the opportunity to speak to young women and men heading in for an abortion.  Because of the bikers prayer and dedication to helping people with an unplanned pregnancy, many young children are alive today and their parents were spared the lifetime trauma of abortion.

An opening Mass will take place on Saturday, February 10th at St. Ladislaus Catholic Church, 18 Richardson, Hempstead, celebrated by Fr. Liam McDonald at 10:00.  The Mass will be followed by a pro life presentation and video with refreshments.  Then participants will proceed in prayer a few blocks over to Planned Parenthood at 540 Fulton Avenue.

Regular hours of prayer will take place from February 14th through March 25th, Monday through Saturday, whenever Planned Parenthood is open.  Prayer partners of all faiths are encouraged to join.

To sign up for prayer vigil hours at PP, please go to:

To learn more about the Pro Bikers for Life, check out

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