9 Recent Posts and Podcasts on the Trinity

9 Recent Posts and Podcasts on the Trinity November 23, 2016

The-Holy-Trinity-in-Stained-GlassAfter the Trinity hubbub this summer and the Trinity being the topic of the most recent annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, a full storehouse of resources and articles has been produced. In particular, there’s been a lot of helpful clarification on the relationship between the Father and Son. Below is a list of my favorites written over the past six months or so, in no particular order. Also, it should not be assumed that I agree with every jot and tittle of everything listed here.

18 Theses on the Father and Son by Fred Sanders

The Sent God by Fred Sanders

Pro-Nicene Theology: Inseparable Operations by Scott Swain

Pro-Nicene Theology: Eternal Generation by Josh Malone

A Biblical Case for Eternal Generation by Matt Emerson

Let’s Go Back to ‘Only Begotten’ by Charles Lee Irons

The Trinity Debate and the History of Interpretation by Luke Stamps

Books at a Glance also hosted a conversation between Fred Sanders, Scott Swain, Stephen Wellum, and Michael Ovey that’s worth a listen.

Trevin Wax and I recently discussed with Scott Swain the relationship of the Father and Son on our podcast, Word Matters.


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