“Whoever says diamonds are a girl’s best friend must not have a dog.”
Truth! And this picture proves it.
It’s going viral on Imgur and Reddit — a picture of a bride, Valerie Rose Parrott, and her service dog, Bella, just moments before they walked down the aisle.
One of the cutest little wedding guests there ever was!
Posted by Mad Photo and Design on Sunday, January 10, 2016
Bella helps Valerie calm down during panic attacks and migraines, and in this picture she was letting her know that her heart rate was getting high.
And yes, Bella even walked down the aisle with Valerie!
The photographer, Maddie Peschong, posted some more preview images to Facebook after getting such positive attention. Many people were asking her and the bride how they could get service dogs themselves.
Such a heartwarming story!
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Photo Credit: Mad Photo and Design