Mom gives baby a bite of her sandwich, but is alarmed at what the baby then does with her hands

Mom gives baby a bite of her sandwich, but is alarmed at what the baby then does with her hands April 19, 2016

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I can’t wait to teach Sailor basic signs like we did with Tripp and Trig!  

Trig still uses some signs too, I think mostly out of habit because WE can understand what he’s saying, but you have to be around him a lot to really get what he’s saying! (Which is probably a good thing when he tells people “you’re crazy!” or he wants to imitate people… haha!)

I’ll teach her signs for milk, please, thank you, book, more!

The Mirror has a great example of why this could be important, with a jaw dropping story about a 5 month old.

“I had been eating the sandwich and Georgia had asked me for some,” said Sandy, 35, who lives in Caerphilly.

“I gave her a bit and she went off to play and eat the sandwich.

“The next thing she had come back to me signing the hurt sign, which is a shaking of the hand as if you’ve touched something that is hot.

“I could see her lips had started to blister and she had blisters and hives on her hand where she had been holding the sandwich.

“I gave her piriton and took her straight to the doctor and then the hospital.

“She’d only taken two bites and it had all happened so quickly.

“Thankfully she was able to tell me she was in pain and I could help her straight away.”

Thank goodness the baby knew how to communicate!
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