Top 7 Lies on Gawker about the Palin Family: B-Bye!!

Top 7 Lies on Gawker about the Palin Family: B-Bye!! August 29, 2016

3.  When they made fun of my mom for wanting to defeat ISIS

From Gawker:

Sarah Palin is officially endorsing Donald Trump for President of the United States. Which is why Sarah Palin is currently screaming at a room of crazed Trump supporters about a future with their Dear Leader—specifically, a future in which they’ll be able to “do their job and KICK ISIS ASS!!!!!”

They embedded a video of Mom’s speech and suggested people watch it.

Now watch it again. Do you feel that tingle going down your spine?

That’s the tingle of freedom, my friends. (Or you’re having a stroke.)

Full context below. And God bless America.

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