Model Amanda Booth is raising a child with Down Syndrome, and she’s doing it beautifully

Model Amanda Booth is raising a child with Down Syndrome, and she’s doing it beautifully November 2, 2016


This is precious!  When model Amanda Booth and her husband had a son, they didn’t realize he had Down syndrome.  Though it was a tough time of life, this is when she began to see the strength that her little one had.

According to Yahoo News, she said:

“When Micah was born, there were so many complications and doubts, but it was in those moments that I discovered his strength; and he taught me to see mine.”

After researching more about Down syndrome, she has decided to try to defy stereotypes by sharing her life more openly.  She believes this will encourage others who have children who are differently abled.

“A few months after settling into our new roles as parents to a child with special needs, we started our social media outreach. Mainly because I had found so much comfort in seeing other little ones flourish, I felt a responsibility to be that for other people.”

She sees at least part of her mission to be to “normalize” having a child with Down syndrome.

“Now that Micah has grown into a very typical, tornado of a toddler, I’m able to give myself a little shift in my parenting needs: I am starting my advocacy for my son. I need people to see him for who he is. I need them to recognize his ability, and to allow themselves to give him the opportunity to succeed. I need them to not miss out on the love that he has to give. He won’t miss out, that’s my job.”

Which I think is great!  When Mom had Trig, it was a little intimidating…  but I now know that we’ve been blessed beyond measure — I wouldn’t trade him for the entire world.

Enjoy 2 more photos of Amanda and her son by clicking CONTINUE:

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