Muslim teen claimed she was attacked by Trump supporters, but it was a lie and now she’s facing charges

Muslim teen claimed she was attacked by Trump supporters, but it was a lie and now she’s facing charges December 16, 2016

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An 18-year-old Muslim college student claimed she was attacked by three men on a New York City subway and nearly had her hijab ripped off as they repeatedly shouted “Donald Trump.” But now, she’s the one facing charges for fabricating the entire incident.

Yasmin Seweid said she was attacked late in the evening on December 1 as she left a Baruch College event where she attends school. She said the men surrounded her and said things like, “Oh look, it’s a f—ing terrorist,” “Get out of this country, you don’t belong here,” and “Get that f—ing thing off your head.”

Seweid also claimed they tried to steal her purse and remove her head covering as other passengers looked away and did nothing to help. But police were suspicious when they couldn’t find any suspects that matched her descriptions. Then, the girl went missing last week and found a day later. When the police confronted her, she admitted she was lying and blamed it on “family problems.” She is charged with filing a false report and obstructing governmental administration, according to Yahoo! Finance.

“This isn’t something we normally like to do, but she had numerous opportunities to admit nothing happened and she kept sticking by her story,” the NYPD said. “We dedicated a lot of resources to this — and don’t get me wrong, this is what we do — but we had guys going back and forth, looking for video and witnesses. And we couldn’t find anything. Nothing happened — and there was no victim.”

Of course, Seweid’s father defended her actions saying, “You try to raise your children as best you can. Maybe she was afraid that night. She was running late.”

Well, that explains why she had to make up such a story!

Perhaps Sewed was inspired by almost the exact same story from another 18-year-old college student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette who claimed that two white men assaulted and robbed her the morning after the election. A day later, she told police she made it all up and she, too, was charged with filing a false police report.

Fake stories, fake news — when will this madness end?

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