Victoria’s Secret model posed nude yet felt shamed by breastfeeding in public

Victoria’s Secret model posed nude yet felt shamed by breastfeeding in public December 21, 2016

Recently, Victoria’s Secret modelCandice Swanepoel gave birth to her son named Anacã, and it changed the way she thought about her body. The model, who has posed nude for her job, suddenly felt the pressure NOT to breastfeed in public.

In an Instagram post, the model talked about this phenomenon.

The text reads:

Many women today are shamed for breastfeeding in public, or even kicked out of public places for feeding their children. I have been made to feel the need to cover up and somewhat shy to feed my baby in public places but strangely feel nothing for the topless editorials I’ve done in the name of art..? The world has been desensitized to the sexualization of the breast and to violence on tv…why should it be different when it comes to breastfeeding? -Breastfeeding is not sexual it’s natural- Those who feel it is wrong to feed your child in public need to get educated on the benefits breastfeeding has on mother and child and intern on society as a whole. #mothernature

What do you think?

Personally, I am so anti-breastfeeding in public. I just wouldn’t ever want anyone to see my breasts! There are plenty of ways to cover, and I feel it would be disrespectful to my husband.

However, I understand that other people don’t feel the same way, and this model brings up a very good point.

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