Matthew McConaughey: it’s time to ‘embrace’ President Trump

Matthew McConaughey: it’s time to ‘embrace’ President Trump February 2, 2017

Interesting! Matthew McConaughey, star of True Detectives and those awesome Lincoln commercials, recently had a thing or two to say about President Donald Trump…  And I’m sure what he said will make mouths drop all over Hollywood.  According to Yahoo News:

During an interview on BBC One, Andrew Marr asked about whether it’s time for Hollywood or cultural elite to give Trump “a break.” McConaughey, the star of Gold, departed from the oppositional views many other actors or celebrities have taken to Trump.

“Well, they don’t have a choice now,” McConaughey told Marr. “He’s our president. And it’s very dynamic and as divisive of an inauguration and time as we’ve had. At the same time, it’s time for us to embrace and shake hands with this fact and be constructive with him over the next four years.”

McConaughey emphasized the need to be constructive with the new administration, but added, “We’ll see what he does compared to what he’s said.”

Wow — that’s a breath of fresh air, especially compared to the inflammatory language coming from the rest of Hollywood.  The actor calls himself a “realist” – and he applies that realism not only to life but also to politics.

Quick, someone pass the smelling salts to Meryl Streep!

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