Victory for Faith! Court Says Cheerleaders Can Paint Bible Verses on Banners

Victory for Faith! Court Says Cheerleaders Can Paint Bible Verses on Banners September 29, 2017

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Todd Starnes has a great article this morning about a Court victory you will be happy to hear about.  Apparently, in Texas, some cheerleaders had the gall to paint a Bible verse on a banner for the football players to run through.  And, naturally, some left-wing nutcases weren’t happy about it. Just like clockwork, the Freedom From Religion Foundation  filed a complaint, and it went to the Court of Appeals for the Ninth District Court of Texas.

Here’s a photo of the “horribly offensive” banner:

But — surprise!  — the Court ruled in favor of the cheerleaders!  According to Starnes, they said, “the inspirational Bible verses painted on run-through banners are private speech.”  You think?

“We find the Cheerleaders’ speech on the pregame run-through banners cannot be characterized as government speech,” the court ruled.

In 2012 the school district had banned cheerleaders from writing Bible verses on run-through banners for the football team. That decision came after the notorious Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a complaint.

“This is another great victory for the free speech and religious liberty rights of all Texas students,” First Liberty Institute president Kelly Shackelford said. “Hopefully this ruling will bring clarity and closure to this issue for all Texas students and schools.”

This is a great development for faith and the First Amendment!  Ted Cruz spoke out in support of the cheerleaders.  “The First Amendment protects the religious liberty of ever American,” he said. “I’m proud to side with the cheerleaders standing up for free expression of religion and the Bill of Rights.”

Way to go, ladies!

Image Credit: Media Defense

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