22 Things I Didn’t Write So Far in 2022

22 Things I Didn’t Write So Far in 2022 February 25, 2022

It’s good to keep track of what you could have written had you either the time to do it or the foresight to think of it.

1. I didn’t write anything  on Twos Day 2 22 22.  I wanted to post something about 22 something or others, but I felt tired and couldn’t get an idea up and going in time to post on such a monumental day when posting something on that day would just be cool to say “Hey I posted something on 2 2 22.” Instead I posted it on 2 25 22. Less exciting in the grand scheme of writing.

Of course DDMMYYYY is the most common date format around the world pretty much everywhere outside the US
(and those countries, like China and Japan and Iraq, where they use YYYYMMDD)-Steven D. Greydanus@DecentFilms


This is a palindrome and an ambigram.
You can read it from left to right, right to left and upside-down.

2. I didn’t write anything about some of beginning of the year holidays. Or any of the Catholic saints feast days. And there were some good ones. St. John Bosco, St. Thomas Aquinas, and  St. Francis De Sales.

“Anxiety is the greatest evil that can befall a soul, except sin.” Francis de Sales said that.
As an anxiety and depression sufferer, I used to hate that quote until I noticed that it says …”except sin.”
Fear is not sin. But it is a plague sent from the Evil One.
Punky Mantilla �@PunkyMantilla·

This neglect of holy saint days and holidays  includes the grandest of all days for lovers. St. Valentine’s Day. So it’s Catholic and secular at the same time. I usually try to post something on all major holidays. But I didn’t this year.

3. I didn’t write anything about French Sister Andre Randon, who celebrated her 118th birthday on Feb. 11, making her the worlds 2nd only living person. I did write something about her last year thou.  CB WIRE February 8 – 14: The 117 Year Old Nun and a Lack of Dinosaur Stories FEBRUARY 15, 2021 I could have used this as a springboard to talk about some of the highlights of historical events that happen during her lifetime. Such as the fact she lived through 2 world wars, was born the year after the airplane was invented, was alive during the 2nd Vatican council, and outlived Betty White.

4. I didn’t write a movie review about ‘Uncharted.” In order to do that I would have to take time away from the time I spend with my wife to actually go and see it. She can’t really go to theaters anymore due to health reasons. Plus she probably wouldn’t want to see it. I would have to go to the theater after working all day, preferably on a Tuesday night when it is discount night at Showcase cinemas. Or I would have to take time on my day off to go see it and drive 20 minutes to get to the theater. Most places in RI are 20 minutes away. Plus I heard it is not the best. But I would still see it on DVD.  With Marky Mark and Tim ‘Spiderman’ Holland, how could you go wrong?

5. I didn’t write anything about the Olympics happening in China.

I would like to be an Olympic commentator but I wouldn’t learn anything about the sport before I do, so then I’ll ask all the questions that everybody wants to know and then all the viewers will finally understand what’s going on.

Come on,@NBCOlympics

It would be amazing.

AND when I DO know something I’ll be so excited and interesting to listen to.


Like, why did Norway win by skiing out? What even was that? What are the rules?? You people would know that if I were a commentator because I would have asked again and again until somebody had finally explained it.

I love that NBC is taking repeated opportunities to call attention to the Uyghur genocide. They’re calling Russia and China authoritarian regimes. They’re calling out Russian aggression in Ukraine. I very much respect people who are boycotting these Olympics. Meg Hunter-Kilmer@MegHunterKilmer

6. I didn’t write about how Harry Potter is going to be playing Weird Al in a bio pic for the Roku Channel. I have tickets to see him in May.

7. I didn’t write about the superbowl or the much talked about half time show.  I actually didn’t watch the superbowl. I don’t really even like to watch sports. I tried to get an antenna to hook up to my TV and somehow it couldn’t be hooked up to it. I was hoping to watch Ghosts with my wife LIVE on CBS, but now I’ll have to wait for the next day to watch it online. I was hoping to watch the Oscars live this year as opposed to looking up info on Twitter and IMDB. I signed up for Twitter initially to keep track of the Oscar winners seeing I didn’t have cable or a way to watch it live.

I didn’t watch the Super Bowl yesterday. To be honest, I rarely watch the Super Bowl, and haven’t seen the ending of any of the games live in decades. I haven’t watched a full Super Bowl Game since the last time the Bills were in one, back in 1994.-Lee Strong

8.  I didn’t write this. My writing partner and wife did.

Kristin Nealon Wilson Ocds

I wrote this poem after recent repeat(daily) occurrences which started out of nowhere recently. I waited until after getting the results of a recent EEG before posting it here. I thought it was just a fluke, different style seizure. They are not seizures at all yet they mimic them on the outside.

Home alone
My eyes mostly closed
My head
My neck
My limbs
all think bobblehead
I think :
Thank God I have a wheelchair and helmet
Then I think, how long this time?

9. I didn’t write about the big baptism controversy and disaster. This is where it was found out that a priest named Father Matthew Hood had invalidly baptised individuals over the course of 13 years by simply changing the baptismal formula to’ We baptize’ as opposed to ‘I baptize.

The sacraments are the ordinary means by which God gives us sanctifying grace. And the words we use in celebrating the sacraments matter. Words are powerful. They can create reality and impart change. Even those Catholics complaining about the Church’s insistence agree on this point. They are usually the first to note that words can cause harm. You know what? Perhaps the very fact that this situation came to light is thanks to God’s mercy. It gives everyone involved the chance for a spiritual “do-over.” Speaking as someone baptized as an adult, who saw a lifetime of sins washed away in valid baptism, I can say that kind of “do-over” was in itself an incredible grace from God.
Michelle Arnold

10. I didn’t write a response to a video that came out insisting that Pope Francis was an anti-pope. It was put out from a person whom used to be a down to earth great faithful Catholic broadcaster. That person is now a right wing conspiracy theorist who happens to be Catholic. But thankfully a video has surfaced defending the pope. It is not a direct response to that video but a response to the negativity the pope gets in general.

11. I didn’t write about any of the celebrities that had passed onto the next life. Which include Bob ‘Full House’ Segat, Ivan ‘Ghostbusters’ Reitman, Meat ‘The Singer’ Loaf,  Dr. Alice von Hildebrand the Catholic writer, and …

Sidney Poitier, RIP. In his honor, maybe watch THE LILIES OF THE FIELD – which is marvelous. I wrote about it last summer:
“Anyway – if you haven’t seen The Lilies of the Field – go find it and watch it, and share it with your children. It’s a lovely, simple film about human beings working out what it means to be faithful, and discovering how much trust in God means trusting in each other.

And it’s one more little, tiny snapshot of pre-Vatican II Catholic life – the nuns being the least of it. Most interesting is the situation of the townspeople, who have no “shappel…” but most go to Sunday Mass celebrated off the back of a truckbed by a priest who wears sunglasses in the New Mexico sun and grabs a cigarette in his trailer afterwards.
Love . It. See. It.”- Amy Welborn Dubruiel

I watched this recently with Kristin and it was a joy to watch. We actually watched it together years ago. She laughed now, like she did then.

12. I didn’t write about how they are bringing back one of my all time favorite shows from the late 80’s. The time traveling ‘Quantum Leap’. Sam Becket would leap from life to life during the span of his own lifetime. Trying to put right what once went wrong.  This show always left me at the end of my seat as you never knew who’s life he would be in, in the past. One episode had me and a friend of mine rewinding the video tape several times as Sam switched places with Al, who only Sam could see and hear. Al came back as a hologram to help guide Sam on his journey in the past. This could be like Cobra Kei (good) or like Heroes Reborn (Yuck).

13. I didn’t write about the great Catholic faith displayed by Steven Colbert on his late night TV show.

A touching response from Steven Colbert when asked if his faith and his humor overlap. It begins at 3:40 in. His answer is winsome, completely apolitical, and a quite good example of the kind of witness possible in a highly secular setting. –Sherry Weddell

14. I didn’t write about the game phenomenon Wordle.

Caissie@Caissie: I’m happy for Mr. Wordle. He made a game for his partner because she loved word games, then he shared it with all of us for nothing. Now he gets a million unexpected dollars. Because he loved someone! I think@Adele could write a hell of a song about Wordle’s lore of love. Would physically purchase!

I can only imagine the Weird Al type of song that could be made about Wordle.  I tried this game once while my wife was at the hospital getting an EEG. I didn’t get the word and they wouldn’t tell me what it was when I lost. The 2nd word seemed hard also. I didn’t continue. But it is good to know that these words are not just fun, but they can also save lives.

The woman mentioned in the article was held hostage by a naked man. Another naked man at 3 in the morning rang a neighbor’s doorbell. He had a tattoo and drive a minivan. It made the RI news. The news crew were in the area and asked me and my wife if we had seen anything. I had nothing to say so we didn’t make the news that night.

15. I haven’t written anything (yet) about the Oscar Nominations. I think I would like to see some of them including Spielberg’s remake of West Side Story, CODA, Dune, and The Power of the Dog in which Bishop Barron has a commentary on. When nd if I do watch any of these, I would like to write a reflection or review on them.

16. I didn’t write anything for the literary magazine Saints and Sages – Winter 2022 Issue – Fellowship & Fairydust (fellowshipandfairydust.com). I could have.

In this issue, we explore the lives and legacies of various saints and sages who have inspired our contributors. We explore the rich body of work they have bequeathed us, both through their lives and writings, from which we may understand who they were and who we may become. The articles featured here aim to offer new perspectives on figures you may know, while introducing new ones, in the spirit of interfaith dialogue and fellowship.- Avellina Balestri, Editor-in-Chief & Wesley Hutchins, Managing Editor

I also could have gone to a writers conference and written about that. I missed that opportunity as well. But I and even you can sign up for The…

Catholic Writers Guild | The Rebirth of Catholic Arts and Letters


17. I didn’t write about the card game I got from the library to play with my wife. My wife wanted to play Monopoly and so we played 3 games in a row. After that it was my turn to pick a game. We got Battleship from Savers and played a game.  I had heard of this particular game and was itching to try it out. So I checked and the Library had a copy of it. So we rented it. We are still in the middle of a game we started almost a week ago. We just haven’t started playing again. Got busy watching stuff on Youtube and being tired. But it’s a good game and I look forward to plahying it with other people at some point. I may buy an updated version of the game at some point.

Exploding Kittens

is a card game where you trick your friends into blowing up. The last player left alive, wins.

Here’s what CNN had to say about it:

“It’s like Uno, except there are goats,
magical enchiladas, and kittens that can kill you.”

18. I didn’t write about how shoplifting isn’t necessarily a serious sin.

19. I didn’t write about the banning of the Graphic Novel Maus.

A Tennessee school board voted to ban the book. That decision of the board of education of McMinn County—located in the southeastern part of the state—generated headlines. Maus was the anchor text for an eighth-grade module on the Holocaust, and the reason for knocking it out of the curriculum was that the book includes a few “cuss” words, as one county school board member put it, and depicts nudity (that is, illustrated animal nudity). The offending phraseology was “bitch” and “—damn.” Of course, it’s ridiculous to object to an account of the mass murder of 6 million Jews and millions of others because of salty language and (animal!) nudity. But that’s what happened.
The Inside Story of the Banning of “Maus.” It’s Dumber Than You Think. – Mother Jones

20. I didn’t write anything I didn’t write about for #20 on this list. Until March 1 when I thought about the fact I didn’t write about the big Neil Young threatening to pull his music off Spotify. I have heard Sweet Home Alabama a few times on the radio lately. In the song it is sung  by Lynyrd Skynyrd…

Well I heard Mister Young sing about her
Well I heard ol’ Neil put her down
Well I hope Neil Young will remember
A southern man don’t need him around anyhow

I guess Neil Young has always been making a stink about something. I can’t recall any of his songs off the top of my head anyhow. And I don’t use Spotify, so no skin off my back.

22. I didn’t write anything (yet) about the Ukraine situation.

Celebrated Mass this morning using the prayers “In Time of War or Civil Disturbance” and, instead of preaching a homily, spent that few minutes with parishioners kneeling in silent prayer for peace in #Ukraine and in our world. Fr. Tom Pringle@FrTomPringle

If the nation ends up embroiled in a world war, at least the past two years have prepared us to know just how well equipped people in this culture are to come together, make sacrifices, and do the right thing for the sake of the common good.-R Bratten Weiss@Prof_RBW

Let’s offer one Hail Mary prayer for Ukraine today. #OneHailMarycampaign-Sachin Jose@Sachinettiyil

If you need specific names to focus your prayers for Ukraine, please pray for my friends Tanya and Andre and their family. Tanya and the youngest children are evacuating and helping the disabled children’s home evacuate. Andre + oldest son are joining the army and fighting.-Sarah Lacour@sarahrlacour


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