Last Last Week in Life 2023 # 52

Last Last Week in Life 2023 # 52 December 31, 2023

In 2021 I completed a year of doing a week in review every week.

I did the same in 2023.
One new review every monday in every week.
With One Month in advance and month in review.
A couple of Sundays and a Tuesday maybe.
December was every Sunday.
Now coming up I will do a month in advance.
But before we get to…

Public Domain Picture

Here’s What Happen  The Last Week and Year in 2023.  

Thanks for reading in, I hope you got something out of this.

Monday December 25, 2023


Day 359: John’s Apocalypse — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 359: The Seven Petitions — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) (

Daily Defense Podcast With Jimmy Akin Keeping the Sabbath | Catholic Answers Podcasts

Here’s What Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.

1492 – The carrack Santa María, commanded by Christopher Columbus, runs onto a reef off Haiti due to an improper watch.

Santa Maria (15th century) - 3D scene - Mozaik Digital Education and Learning

1559 – Pope Pius IV is elected.

1621– Governor William Bradford of Plymouth Colony (now in Massachusetts) forbids game playing on Christmas.

1642 Sir Isaac Newton is born.

1717 – Pope Pius VI is born (d. 1799)

1758 – Halley’s Comet is sighted by Johann Georg Palitzsch, confirming Edmund Halley’s prediction of its passage. This was the first passage of a comet predicted ahead of time.

1775– Pope Pius VI promulgates the Encyclical INSCRUTABILE (On The Problems Of The Pontificate)

For the same reason you should undoubtedly always give special attention to the beauty of the house of God and the splendor and dignity of objects dedicated to the divine service. Such beauty and splendor often greatly inspire the faithful, and draw them to the veneration of sacred realities. It would be very improper for the bishop’s house to be cleaner and furnished more tastefully than the abode of holiness, the palace of the living God. It would make no sense to see holy vestments, adornments for the altar and all the furniture in the church worn out with age and torn or dirty, while the bishop’s table is well laden, the priest’s clothing very clean and finely coordinated

1776 – George Washington and the Continental Army cross the Delaware River at night to attack Hessian forces serving Great Britain at Trenton, New Jersey, the next day.

Crossing of the Delaware · George Washington's Mount Vernon

1809 – Dr. Ephraim McDowell performs the first ovariotomy, removing a 22-pound tumor.

1814 – Rev. Samuel Marsden holds the first Christian service on land in New Zealand at Rangihoua Bay.

1818 Handel’s Messiah, premieres in the US in Boston.

1821 – Clara Barton, American nurse and humanitarian, founder of the American Red Cross is born (d. 1912)

Clara Barton: Civil War Nurse, Red Cross Founder

1831 – The Great Jamaican Slave Revolt begins; up to 20% of Jamaica’s slaves mobilize in an ultimately unsuccessful fight for freedom.

1831 Louisiana & Arkansas are first states to observe Christmas as holiday.

1862 40,000 watch Union army men play baseball at Hilton Head, South Carolina

1868 – Pardons for ex-Confederates: United States President Andrew Johnson grants an unconditional pardon to all Confederate veterans.

1890 – Robert Ripley, American anthropologist and publisher (d. 1949)

1. The United States first issued a Christmas postage stamp in 1962! 2. Washington Irving, author of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," wrote the first imagery describing St. Nicholas flying in his sleigh! 3. Believe It or Not!, Santa Claus was given an official pilots license in 1927!

1899 – Humphrey Bogart, American actor (d. 1957)

Humphrey Bogart - Wikipedia

1902 Pope Leo XIII, at his annual Christmas reception, endorses the Christian Democratic movement now emerging in Europe as an attempt to offer an alternative to more radical movements

1914 – A series of unofficial truces occur across the Western Front to celebrate Christmas.

1924 – Rod Serling, American screenwriter and producer, who created The Twilight Zone is born. (d. 1975)

A word to the wise to all the children of the twentieth century, whether their concern be pediatrics or geriatrics, whether they crawl on hands and knees and wear diapers or walk with a cane and comb their beards. There’s a wondrous magic to Christmas, and there’s a special power reserved for little people. In short, there’s nothing mightier than the meek, and a merry Christmas to each and all.
Rod Serling

1938 George Cukor announces Vivien Leigh will play Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone with the Wind”

1941 – World War II: Battle of Hong Kong ends, beginning the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong.

1946 – Jimmy Buffett, American singer-songwriter, guitarist, producer, and actor.

1946 – W. C. Fields, American actor, comedian, juggler, and screenwriter (b. 1880)

1955 Pope Pius XII writes MUSICAE SACRAE an encyclical on sacred music & popular music.

 Music is among the many and great gifts of nature with which God, in Whom is the harmony of the most perfect concord and the most perfect order, has enriched men, whom He has created in His image and likeness. Together with the other liberal arts, music contributes to spiritual joy and the delight of the soul.

On this subject St. Augustine has accurately written: “Music, that is the science or the sense of proper modulation, is likewise given by God’s generosity to mortals having rational souls in order to lead them to higher things.”

1957 Richard Starkey (later better known as Ringo Starr) receives his first drum set.

1962 USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR.

1962 “To Kill a Mockingbird”, a film adaptation of the novel by Harper Lee, directed by Robert Mulligan and starring Gregory Peck, is released (Gregory Peck – Best Actor Academy Awards 1963)

1963 Walt Disney’s “The Sword in the Stone” is released.

1964 George Harrison’s girlfriend Patti Boyd attacked by female Beatle fans.

1967 Singer Paul McCartney & actress Jane Asher get engaged.

1968 Frank Borman’s Christmas reading while orbiting the Moon.

1971 The Kansas City Chiefs hosted the Miami Dolphins in the AFC Divisional Game which the Dolphins won, 27-24, in double overtime after 82 minutes and 40 seconds of play.  Over four decades later, that game remains the longest NFL game ever played.

1977 – Silent slapstick king of comedy Charlie Chaplin dies. (b. 1889)

1983 1st live telecast of Christmas Parade at the EPCOT Centre, Disney World Florida.

1988- Terrorists take over  Nakatomi Plaza but are therted by undercover cop John McClane.

1991 – Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as President of the Soviet Union (the union itself is
dissolved the next day). Ukraine’s referendum is finalized and Ukraine officially leaves the Soviet Union.

1992–  Chaplin starring Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jr. premiers.

1995 – Dean Martin, American singer and actor dies. (b. 1917) He was born in Steubenville Ohio, home of Franciscan University.

1996 1,500-year anniversary of Catholicism in France commemorating the baptism of Clovis I in Rheims.

1997 For 1st time US movie box office receipts pass $6 billion.

1999 Opening of doors of St. John Lateran by Pope John Paul II.

2003 The ill-fated Beagle 2 probe which was released from the Mars Express Spacecraft on December 19, disappears shortly before its scheduled landing.

2006 – James Brown, American singer-songwriter (b. 1933).

2008– The Tom Cruise film Valkyrie premieres. It is about a failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

2020- Due to the closure of most cinemas, Wonder Woman 1984 premieres on HBO Max and Pixar’s Soul on Disney +.

A suicide bomber detonated a recreational vehicle (RV) bomb in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, United States, injuring eight people and damaging dozens of buildings. It took place at 166 Second Avenue North between Church Street and Commerce Street at 6:30 am, adjacent to an AT&T network hub, resulting in days-long communication service outages.

People near the RV heard gunshots, and loudspeakers on the RV warned them to evacuate before the explosion, which was felt miles away. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) determined the bomber was 63-year-old Anthony Quinn Warner, a Nashville resident believed to have acted alone.


Midnight Mass in Bethlehem: Patriarch addresses Gazan Christians, calls for end to war

Pope Francis on Christmas: Saying ‘yes’ to the Prince of Peace means saying ‘no’ to war 

Jesuit astronomer remembers the first Christmas in space

O Little Town of Bethlehem… Pennsylvania? The story of ‘Christmas City USA’

Full text: Pope Francis’ homily for Christmas 2023

Brothers and sisters, tonight we might ask ourselves: Which God do we believe in? In the God of incarnation or the god of achievement? Because there is always a risk that we can celebrate Christmas while thinking of God in pagan terms, as a powerful potentate in the sky; a god linked to power, worldly success, and the idolatry of consumerism. With the false image of a distant and petulant deity who treats the good well and the bad poorly; a deity made in our own image and likeness, handy for resolving our problems and removing our ills. God, on the other hand, waves no magic wand; he is no god of commerce who promises “everything all at once”. He does not save us by pushing a button, but draws near us, in order to change our world from within. Yet how deeply ingrained is the worldly notion of a distant, domineering, unbending, and powerful deity who helps his own to prevail against others! So many times this image is ingrained in us. But that is not the case: our God was born for all, during a census of the whole earth.

  •  Quote of the Day

    Pope Francis@Pontifex (December 25, 2023) The message of Bethlehem is indeed “good news of great joy”. What kind of joy? Not the passing happiness of this world, but the joy that consoles hearts, renews hope and bestows peace. It is the joy of the Holy Spirit: the joy born of being God’s beloved sons and daughters.

Tuesday December 26, 2023

Saint Stephen, The First Martyr

Day 360: Heavenly Worship — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 360: Hallowing God’s Name — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) (

Daily Defense Podcast With Jimmy Akin Evolution and the Benefits of Religion | Catholic Answers Podcasts

Here’s What Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.

  •  Quote of the Day

    Fr. Ryan Hilderbrand@FrHilderbrand (December 26, 2023) Anyway, I’m not a big fan of the Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls (it looks like a fancy bus station), but I love that there is a large side chapel to St. Stephen in it. The ultimate in “no harm, no foul.”

    Paulie and Stevie are best buds in heavenly glory.

Wednesday December 27, 2023

 Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist

Day 361: Judgment and Repentance — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 361: The Kingdom and Will of God — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) (

Daily Defense Podcast With Jimmy Akin Homosexual Unions Not Marriages | Catholic Answers Podcasts

Here’s What Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.

  •  Quote of the Day

    Mary Pezzulo@mary_pezzulo (December 27, 2023) You know what’s better than a Trump Rally? Stepping on a Lego, falling into a vat of spoiled milk, getting puked on by a toddler who’s been eating peanut butter as you step out of the vat, and then the moment you get in the shower to clean it all off someone flushes the toilet.

Thursday December 28, 2023

 The Holy Innocents, Martyrs

Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 362: Our Daily Bread — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) (

Daily Defense Podcast With Jimmy Akin A Multiplicity of Gods? | Catholic Answers Podcasts

Here’s What Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.

  •  Quote of the Day

    Fr. Thomas Petri, OP@PetriOP (December 28, 2023)  In his poem, The Mystery of the Holy Innocents, Charles Péguy imagines the innocents playing with their palms and crowns under the Altar of God. God himself guesses the children are playing hoops, but isn’t sure since they don’t seek His permission on the games they play. They don’t need to—such is the simplicity of His Paradise. What a wonderful and contrasting image of the Holy Innocents from the perspective of eternity. Herod meanwhile dies, and Josephus reports that there were celebrations in the streets. Worldly power comes and goes. God and His saints remain. And they play.
    Melissa Cecilia@MelissaCeciliaG (December 28, 2023)If I ever delete my Twitter/X account, I’ll have “This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” by Taylor Swift playing in the background. Because, yes.

 Friday December 29, 2023

Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr

Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord

Day 363: The New Covenant Priesthood — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 363: Forgive Us Our Trespasses — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) (

Daily Defense Podcast With Jimmy Akin Antipopes | Catholic Answers Podcasts

Here’s What Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.

  •  Quote of the Day

    Pope Francis@Pontifex (December 29, 2023) God so greatly desires to embrace our lives that, infinite though he is, he becomes finite for our sake. In his greatness, he chooses to become small. This is the wonder of #Christmas: the unprecedented tenderness of a God who saves the world by becoming incarnate.

    (103) Jimmy Akin – YouTube

Saturday December 30, 2023

Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord

Day 364: Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 364: Deliver Us from Evil — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) (

Daily Defense Podcast With Jimmy Akin The Cosmic Teapot | Catholic Answers Podcasts

Here’s What Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.

  •  Quote of the Day

    FrJosh �@tweetmobb (December 30, 2023) My associate is a wild man who will go out of his way, at any time, to fill a need. He just came in with a bunch of wood & said “some old lady on the rez just told me she can’t have fires bc she has no kindling” & now I can hear the sound of a handsaw coming from the workshop.

Sunday December 31, 2023


 Day 365: The Beginning and the End — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) – YouTube
Day 365: So Be It — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) (

Daily Defense Podcast With Jimmy Akin Ancient Scriptures | Catholic Answers Podcasts

Here’s What Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.

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