Honoring the Wild: Reclaiming Witchcraft and Environmental Activism

Honoring the Wild: Reclaiming Witchcraft and Environmental Activism February 3, 2023

I believe in the power of story to fuel activism.

So when it was proposed that I write about Reclaiming for Moon Books’ Earth Spirit series, it was clear I was not the person to write it. Well, not the ONLY person.

I wanted to bring together voices of Reclaiming, voices that were there on the ground. Who were there during powerful and pivotal moments.

I hope “Honoring the Wild: Reclaiming Witchcraft & Environmental Activism” acts as inspiration.

Photo Credit: Sylvia Rose (who also contributed!) – and her garden

Introduction to Activism

This is a short and impossible book. It is an all-too-brief compilation of voices that have been in Reclaiming. It is a collection of snapshots – where bodies have been. Where ritual existed and can exist next. The work of activism is ongoing, imperfect, and an invitation to continue. To change and to adjust to the emerging needs, the insistent call from the Earth. The time is always right now. 

Activism shows up in many ways, in many forms, and sometimes it shows up, burns out, and disappears. Or returns, in another form. Sometimes activism is less of being in the crowd and more like holding the edges. Sometimes activism is loud. Sometimes it is quiet. Sometimes it is both and beyond. My hope is to bring to light the way Reclaiming Witches and magick makers honor (and honour) the wild. 

I am certain this is incomplete. I am certain I will forget or confuse a fact. For that, I take accountability. The words of the writers are as close to their original offerings as possible. The only words that have been adjusted are for clarity and grammar/spelling/punctuation. The pieces are placed in an order that originally flowed from what was offered, from story to practice to magick and beyond. It is not linear. It is not created with any sense of one piece being more or less important than the next. All of these pieces were given of the heart.

What you will want to know is that I wanted to show the reader, Reclaiming or not, what activism looks like from the inside. While the outside and the pictures and the outcomes and the victories and the disappointments are many, the emotions are just as mighty and many. The ‘why’ has always been more valuable than the ‘how’ to me. Because when you are clear on the direction, you will find a way to get there. When your heart is the compass, the journey reveals itself.

The Earth is hurting. Witches are healers. May the work continue. Blessed be the hands and hearts of each being.



Website – signed copies


About Irisanya Moon
Irisanya Moon (she/they) is an author, witch, international teacher, poet, and Reclaiming initiate who has practiced magick for 20+ years. She has written Pagan Portals (Reclaiming Witchcraft - 2020, Aphrodite - 2020, Iris - 2021, Norns - 2023), Earth Spirit (Honoring the Wild - 2023, Gaia - 2023), and Practically Pagan: An Alternative Guide to Health & Well-being - 2020. Irisanya cultivates spaces of self-care/devotion, divine relationship (whatever that means to you), and community service as part of her heart magick and activism. You can read more about the author here.
"I love this! Thank you for sharing and being present with the wild."

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