Daily Magickal Practice & Neurodivergence

Daily Magickal Practice & Neurodivergence October 19, 2023

Sticking to a daily practice has always been challenging, but I know why now: neurodivergence.

It wasn’t JUST that I was lazy or inept or unwilling.

(Though I claim those too.)

Once I figured out my diagnosis, it made everything easier, right? Not really. I still struggle with daily practice, but I have learned a few things that have helped. I’m much more consistent, which works for me.

Photo by Alex Chernenko on Unsplash

What to Do So You’ll Do It

Before anything else, you don’t have to do things the way other people do things. You often can’t, and this is a part of being the way we are. So, let go of expectations you have or that others have. Your magick is your magick and your daily practice is what it will be: an evolution and a prayer unfolding each time you show up.

A daily practice is a working that you do on a regular basis so you can create a grounded place to return to. Think of it as an anchor for yourself to come back to yourself. This practice is recommended so you can remember what it’s like to just be with yourself instead of being pulled in hundreds of other directions all the time. You will still get pulled around (we all do), but you will also be able to trust that you can return. The practice is knowing this, even when things feel uncontrolled and unmanageable.

You can come back to what’s important to you.

Start small – I suggest starting with a daily practice that requires no equipment and less than five minutes. You might start each day with saying, “I return to myself” and drink a sip of water. That’s it. This will allow you to do something easily, building up trust in yourself to show up.

Work with yourself – Notice what your energy is like and how it might be supported by certain daily practices. You may feel better doing a daily practice in the evening or in the middle of the day instead of in the morning, when many recommend this practice happen. Find out where your energy is best and try following that first.

Switch things up – If you have an attention span of a gnat (ME), you may not want to stick with the same practice every day or every season. Instead, think about ways you can do what feels best for you. Maybe you do one practice during the week or on work days, and another practice on days when you are not at work or when you have more time. Be willing to change things up often so you get that dopamine rush, but also so you remind yourself that changing things up is just fine.

Rewrite the ‘daily’ – Also, don’t worry so much about doing things every day. If you miss a day, it’s okay. And if you miss two days or a week, it’s okay. It’s about the coming back, it’s about the return. If missing days bothers you, you can think about things that are not working and adjust to see if that helps with the consistency. Remember too that ‘consistency’ is doing something regularly, not doing something every day.

Accountability buddy – You may want to find a friend who wants to check in about their practices so you can keep each other on track. You can share your wins and your challenges to inspire each other to keep trying.

A (mostly) daily practice is a helpful resource in times that are confusing and chaotic. Having something in your life that is steady can help you remain grounded in your magick.

Neurodivergence doesn’t have to stop your spiritual growth; it can enhance it.

No matter what you’ve heard or what you think, not everyone has to do daily practice the same way. You and your neurodivergence can come up with something that works for you.

Your magick is valid. In all of its ways.

About Irisanya Moon
Reclaiming Witch + Writer + Teacher + Priestess + Feminist + Ritualist + Invocateur + Drummer + Sagittarius + she/they You can read more about the author here.
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