Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! October 21, 2023

For the past three months, I’ve been adding doing one thing for my health each week. Thus far, I’ve taken my covid booster, flu shot, pneumonia shot, shingles shot 1 and 2, been to the dentist (twice), my endrocronologist, my physical and to get my hair done. I have decided taking care of my health is a boatload of work. I’m wondering if neglect might be a better use of my time.

But I persist. I have cancelled two subscriptions I don’t use. It is a sort of Marie Kondo of my life, trying to purge what we do not need or do not avail ourselves of, and because it is just once a week, it is not overwhelming…yet.

Still, you never know what the day will bring. The Holy family woke up to a drum solo and three visiting royalty with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and the need to get out of town. Last Friday, we woke to the discovery, the drains on our septic had failed, and five minute showers, and no dishwasher or washing machine until it was fixed. It would take five days to get possible candidates vetted. It would take probably to the new year for the county to agree to come out and see what the problem was.

I miss long showers, hot baths and dishwashers.

The laundrymat and I are old friends, and the ice cream store and nail salon that are neighbors make it bearable. However, having twelve people stagger five minute cleansing routines is a pain. It will be more of a pain when work returns to the agenda. The only one happy about this is Pumpkin, because it means she gets to skip this week’s bath. Though I suspect the dishwasher and washing machine feel like they are on vacation.

My one thing a week for my health this week may include a stay at a hotel. After all, why should our appliances get a break and not us? Because when appliances break, they often leave us more broke. I didn’t want something, but something nagged.

All this work on myself, somehow left me feeling meh. None of what I’d done seemed to have any long term consequence. They were all good things, and yet I did not feel good. There was a missing salt, a missing light, a missing something.

At first I thought it was left over fatigue. I assessed myself for all sorts of possibilities and was left with the clear knowledge, “That’s not it.”

What I know, is when I feel flat, it is a spiritual issue I need to address, and my prayer life had been as of late, also flat. Dry spiritual spells are part of any adult faith life, but I’d just ignore it. However, a friend of mine asked what moved us most in the past year, and it moved me to do a self examination.

God was asking me to push myself, I’d been stationary. So I restarted my prayer ministry on Facebook. Immediately, I was given someone and something to pray for. I do love it when God is blunt that way.

Pray you goofy girl. Pray. Pray for peace in the world. Pray for your children. Pray for those far from the church. Pray for those far from you. Pray to be closer to me. Eventually, God makes His real desire known, and as always, what God desires, is what in our deepest hearts, we desire –we just don’t know it.

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