Interview with comic book artist Ted Woods

Interview with comic book artist Ted Woods June 15, 2016

All images courtesy of Ted Woods.

Here’s a new feature I’m hoping to implement more regularly on this blog. Constant readers know that I can be critical about Christian art, and that’s because I think there’s a lot of bad art out there that goes under the Christian name. But I really want to delve more into the artists and crafts people who are passionate about creating great Christian art and improving the conversation about faith.

I met Ted Woods, an independent comic book writer, when we briefly attended the same church in Ann Arbor a few years back. Ted and I were in the same small group, and I found his enthusiasm for the art form and his passion for faith refreshing. Ted can intelligently talk about his faith, but he’s also just as concerned with his craft and maintaining excellence in his art. As someone who knows very little about comic books, I find his work fascinating and I wanted to talk more about the comic book world and how he approaches it as a person of faith.

Ted and I met at a tap house near his home, and my initial plan was to record him and transcribe it for a more traditional blog post. The conversation went much longer and was much richer than I’d anticipated, and I decided to edit the audio and post it here instead. That was about a month ago, so you might here some random remarks about things in the past, but I don’t think it harms the overall quality. As I said, we were in a bar at the time, so there’s some background noise, but I’ve tried to scrub it as best as possible. It might be hard to hear me (maybe that’s a blessing), but Ted’s words come through loud and clear! I hope you love it. After the audio embed, you can see samples of his art.

These type of audio interviews are things I’d like to incorporate more of into the blog, and I’m considering adding a podcast element in early 2017 if it works out. I have some cool talks lined up with a few interesting people, so hopefully we’ll get that up there soon for you. In the meantime, I highly recommend the interviews I’ve done with Christian fiction author Amanda G. Stevens and the two-part interview I did with “Sons and Doubters” hosts Aaron Hale and Luke Brawner (here’s part one and here’s part two).

Here’s the interview with Ted Woods.

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All images courtesy of Ted Woods.
All images courtesy of Ted Woods.

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