5 Great Ideas for “God’s Not Dead 3”

5 Great Ideas for “God’s Not Dead 3” August 16, 2016


God’s Not Dead 3 — Saving Santa

We switch gears, abandoning the post-credit tag and addressing critics’ concerns that the series be lighter. And what’s lighter than Christmas? In this Yuletide follow-up, we catch up with Rev. Dave, who is married to Amy Ryan, the former atheist blogger-turned-Christian blogger who is now a stay-at-home mom writing their annual Christmas card (because patriarchy). A member of their church is in need of a job and Rev. Dave pulls some strings to get him one as a department store Santa. But when this St. Nick wishes a family a Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays, there’s trouble brewing. Dean Cain reprises his slimy lawyer role from the first film, suing the Santa and determined to prove that no one can have a Merry Christmas because God is dead. The fight goes to the U.S. Supreme Court, whose decision could end up taking Christmas off the calendar as a federal holiday. Thankfully, Amy — while scouring the internet for a cookie recipe — comes across a legal loophole that saves the day. Meanwhile, the Newsboys are facing persecution in the community, as their Christmas caroling (which includes the new holiday classic “God’s Not Dead — It’s His Birthday!”) draws the ire of the secular neighbors. Can a Christmas miracle save them all? Also starring the Duck Dynasty boys as Santa’s elves. The film ends with a dance-off in the foyer of Kirk Cameron’s home.

Photo by Naturak, Flickr. CC Licensing. 

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