January 22, 2014

"A story about war is a story about people." Read more

January 22, 2014

"I am grateful for God’s story that captured me away from both the saccharine sweet of teen romance and the luring dark of the gothic fairytale." Read more

January 22, 2014

We went for a hike, alone. I felt pretty good about it–very cool and in control. I was about a year older than her, about 15, and even though I wasn’t particularly attracted to her, I was committed to seeing this little excursion through and making out by the end of the hike. I honestly felt I would be doing her a favor. She wasn’t going to do much better than me. And it really didn’t mean anything–it was just something fun... Read more

January 21, 2014

Teenagers are often labeled as easily distracted cowards who hide from face to face interaction behind their smartphones. But to call them cowards is to entirely misunderstand the situation. Read more

January 20, 2014

"Converting these women’s formative experiences into entertainment for public consumption is irresponsible; adding abortion to the mix is reprehensible." Read more

January 20, 2014

  My five-year-old recently reminded me, quite emphatically, that he didn’t have school on Monday because of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. He was, of course, simply excited to have a day off from kindergarten. But this seemed to be a perfect “teachable moment,” so I sat my kids down to tell them a little bit about the holiday’s namesake. But where do you start with someone like King? I suppose starting with the evils he fought against is as... Read more

January 17, 2014

How might Christians better respond when news is confusing in controversial, emotionally challenging issues with theological implications? Read more

January 17, 2014

"When your dad goes into full-on culture warrior mode, he signs you up for the draft." Read more

January 17, 2014

Martyn Jones visits a "Judgement House" designed to scare people into acknowledging their mortality, and is startled by what he finds. Read more

January 16, 2014

When we are so quick to jump into battle, without carefully researching and learning the nuances of a situation, we will often make a fool of ourselves and hurt other people, even other believers. Read more

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