Here are 5 amazing tools that the Christian author can use to publish and promote their books.
Book Brush
Book Brush is unlike most other book publishers. For example, Book Brush gives you 5 options that are all easy to use, even for a beginner. That means there is no training necessary to publish and promote your book. Advantages of Book Brush include using your own font styles or using multiple font styles available from Book Brush. You also have the option of adding stamps which come pre-made just for your book, and with one simple click, readers can find your book on Amazon or other sites. There are over a million images you can choose from, and Book Brush offers 3-D covers that are one-click available. They can use the one-click on their covers and the link sends them directly to where your book is being sold. With the use of Photoshop, there is the convenience of hundreds of high quality images for your own book ads. Book Brush is easy, inexpensive, and fast, so the best a Christian author can find is available at Book Brush, and signing up is always free.
Blue Host
Blue Host also has great advantages for the Christian author in publishing their book or with beginning a blog, either as a part-time blogger or a full time blogger. Chief among them is the top quality hosting of WordPress. For just a few dollars a month, the author has the accessibility of easy WordPress setups. There is free SSL certificates for https security and fast access for your readers. Speed kills…but so will a slow speed site, where you can lose readers quickly, so choosing Blue Host allows you the professionality of WordPress and the speed that goes with it.
If you’re a Christian author looking for help, look to Calibre. Calibre is a free and open-source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books and developed just for users of e-books like you. You can even use it to create an eBook library. Calibre can also be used to convert Word .docx files into .ebub, and mobi files, plus there’s a long list of other popular eBook formats you can choose from, so variety rules at Calibre.
EBook Cover Maker
A book is often judged by its cover, so make sure your cover conveys what you have inside, and the best way to do that is to use My EBook Cover Maker. My EBook Cover Maker helps you gain the maximum interest and while achieving the greatest impact with your EBooks. It’s important that your product looks valuable, and My EBook Cover Maker will make your book look like it’s worthy of a read. My EBook Cover Maker offers a wide range of free cover designs that allows you to select the one that’s perfect for your EBook.
Amazon Author Central
If you want to be found on the Internet by different search engines like Google or Bing, then you need to have an Amazon Author’s Page, and you can find that at Amazon Author Central. Amazon is the largest seller of books in the world, so it’s to your advantage to have your own Author’s Page so that readers can learn more about you, even reading a short bio about you. They can also see a listing of books that you’ve published, both EBooks and in paperback, and you can even list your own blog there. When people are searching for subjects or authors, the Amazon Author’s Page is vital because it often shows up in the search engines, and so that’s all the more reason that if you are Christian author, you need to go to Amazon Author Central and set up your own page. Most of the major authors have their own page on Amazon, so it’s to your advantage to have one too. Being listed on Amazon may be the best tool for authors to gain exposure and to promote their books. This only happens if you have an Amazon Author Central page. Did I mention that it’s free?
Today, there is no shortage of self-publishing sites and many have several advantages to them, so ask around before choosing one. Read reviews about these different sites, ask other authors what worked best for them, do some research before you make a choice, and be sure that the tools you’ll need are available for your specific needs. Clearly, there are several options you can choose from and there are dozens of tools you can use that are free. These tools can help the Christian author in publishing and promoting their books, and it begins with great book covers, so whether it’s an EBook, a paperback, a hard cover book, or even tools to help you with your own blog, find the tools that you need most or would work best for your particular book. All you have to do is start doing your homework and find what works best in your case. In most cases, you have to be your own promoter, but one way to promote your book is by creating a blog about the subject that your book is about. This is about the best way to have your books receive publicity, and to get your books known by those who are searching for good Christian books. And best of all, most of these tools are free. Putting a one-click or buy-link in your blog that goes directly to your book is a great way to promote your book and build an awareness of what your book’s about, and that’s what any author would want.
Article by Jack Wellman
Jack Wellman is an ordained elder of the Brethren Church and a Pastor and Prison Minister in the State of Kansas, but also a writer at Christian Quotes and What Christians Want to Know which address questions about the Bible, and a published author of four books. He also plants ministries like nursing home ministries, Outreach for the poor, and other evangelistic activities, and check out his book Teaching Children the Gospel available on Amazon.