Cherch Sine Epuc Failz: Badd Spellurs Edishun

Cherch Sine Epuc Failz: Badd Spellurs Edishun April 22, 2012

The next edition of bad church signs has a theme of its own: bad spelling. A couple of these aren’t even church signs; they’re just too good not to include.


The grammar class on Thursday evenings has been sorely under-attended.
You have to believe this one is on purpose, right?
Ahh, clever wordplay...wonder how many folks get it while driving by at 50 MPH.
Your final exam is to spellcheck the sign, grads.
Kind of an important word to know how to spell in a Christian Church.
More disturbing than funny, really.
What? They really love gardeners at their church.
They worship little tubes of pasta. Wait for it...
Both a bad spelling spot and a Snoop Dog reference in one sign. SCORE!
Another distressing example of the state of public education.
No bad spelling; just pure awesomeness.

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