Church Sign Epic Fails, Part Ten

Church Sign Epic Fails, Part Ten April 29, 2012

It seems like only a few weeks ago that we started this journey in search of ridiculous church signs. Actually it was only a few weeks ago, but here we are, back for two full hands worth of epic fail posts.

Here are some of the older posts in case you’ve missed them:

Cherch Sine Epuc Failz: Badd Spellurs Edishun

Church Sign Epic Fails, Part Eight

Church Sign Epic Fails: Easter Edition

Church Sign Epic Fails, Part Six

Church sign epic fails, part five

Church sign epic fails, part four

Church sign epic fails, part three

More church sign epic fails

Church sign epic fails

Imagine spending the rest of existence with the Michelin Man (EnTIREty...get it?)
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that this church and I would not agree on much.
Truth first, then if there's room, we'll try to fit some love in too. And what the heck is a hybrid Christian anyway?
Yeah, this is pretty much why I left religion for ten years. And who knew the original authors of the Bible knew English? Amazing!
Ahh, puns on church signs never get old. Except whenever I see them.
This church sign proudly brought to you by the manufacturers of K-Y.

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