With almost thirty-seven thousand views this past month, I’m humbled and encouraged by the ever-growing readership finding their way here. THANK YOU for helping make this blog such a pleasure to put together and share every day.
So without any further delay, here’s what people have been reading the most.
#5 Critiques of the “Blue Like Jazz” Movie and My Thoughts: It surprised me, once again (notice a pattern here?) that readers were more interested in this back-and-forth about the perceived flaws in the film than they were in the actual interviews of Donald Miller and the other filmmakers. Just goes to show that, despite my years of blogging, I still have no real sense of what people will like and what they won’t.
#4 You Might Be an Emergent Christian If…: I’ll admit I was surprised when I got perhaps the most negative blowback from this article than anything else I’ve done in quite a while. Basically, I was tired of doing serious stuff at the time and I thought I’d put together a completely off-the-cuff list of some defining characteristics of the stereotypical emergent Christian. I actually got less heat for my pieces about the afterlife and Jesus’ moment of atheism on the cross, believe it or not!
#3 Compassion Wins: A Longtime Atheist Becomes Christian: I thought this was a particularly great story, not as much because of the faith conversion, but because of the prevailing compassion that emerged in spite of stark personal differences. If you’re looking for a story about how much more important living a Christ-like life is than spouting scripture at people, this is it.
#2 Why Young Adults Quit Church (and Why I Came Back): This series of three articles has ended up being the most read thing I’ve ever posted. Basically, I just break down reasons why lots of young adults don’t find their way to church any more. And as a counterbalance, I offered some reasons why I ended up coming back to a faith community after ten years away. Stay tuned for this to turn into one of my next keynote themes for sure.
#1 Church Sign Epic Fails: Always a crowd pleaser, these continue to top the list. I guess I’d feel better about that if I wrote them, but I just find em.Good news is that there’s no shortage of horrible church signs to keep the list going.