I lived my whole live trying to follow Jesus, but when the rapture came, I got all tangled up in my attic insulation. D’OH!!!
From my research, this is actually, really, seriously a real thing that people pay for. Also a great argument for sunroofs and convertibles.May be the first time the short hand “UR” and “2 B” were used in the same sentence with the word “Relinquish”
I’m not sure what “salation” is, but points for scaring me, regardless.Aside from the remarkable spelling and punctuation choices, I’m impressed by the comprehensive nature of the list of the hellbound. Wait, PKs – Preachers’ Kids? Was the sermon that bad???Clever, clever…Gah! Such difficult choices. And before I’ve had my coffee, even.Imagine how much time was put into thinking up a sign this offensive!