With just over a month to go before publication, I’m getting really excited to share my next book with Jericho/Hachette, “postChristian: What’s Left? Can We Fix It? Do We Care?” with the world. It’s receiving some strong early praise, including from Publishers Weekly, which says the book is, “expert at deconstructing false precepts, false practices, and prejudices of all sorts,” and that it “invites readers on a Kerouac-style journey of faith on the road with others who are preoccupied with similar questions and are comfortable living, and dying, with them.”
I presented content from the book for the first time a couple of weeks ago at the Wild Goose Festival in North Carolina, and I’ve been pleasantly overwhelmed by the response so far. Folks are pulling quotes from the advance copies we gave away, posting them online and already generating some fascinating dialogue. Rest assured, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite select quotes in the days and weeks to come, but for now, I thought I’d share the good words offered by numerous prominent figures who are offering their support for “postChristian.”
“Christian Piatt is one of the smartest and most provocative young voices we have.”—Jim Wallis, President and Founder, Sojourners
“POSTCHRISTIAN is written directly for the spiritual needs of the 21st century.”—Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, Executive Religion Editor, The Huffington Post
“I recommend this book to anyone of any religion who cares about a better, more compassionate world…important book full of righteous anger and profound mercy.”—A.J. Jacobs, New York Times bestselling author of The Year of Living Biblically
“For a profound book, it proved to be an easy read-but very disturbing.”—Tony Campolo, Professor of Sociology, Eastern University
“Touching, insightful, personal… Don’t be deceived-the book is put in simple terms but it represents a powerful challenge.”—John D. Caputo, Watson Professor of Religion Emeritus, Syracuse University
“Piatt is no reactionary, wanting to save a dying institution, but neither does he take the popular route of simply walking away. Instead he believes that there is a subversive core in the tradition worth remembering and retaining.”—Pete Rollins
“Like the first rumble before a volcano explodes, POSTCHRISTIAN prefigures the revolution that will remake Christianity in North America, and maybe the world.”—Frank Schaeffer, author, And God Said, “Billy!”
“Christian Piatt is right: behind the statistics of decline and the stories of dropouts is a platinum opportunity-one we Christians might never have seen or begun to seize if not for the wake-up call we’ve received.”—Brian D. McLaren, author, We Make the Road by Walking
“Important, insightful, and timely…His words offer wisdom for a path forward and hope for the future of God.”—Matthew Paul Turner, author of Our Great Big American God and Churched
“A powerful, reasonable book that takes an honest look at the Church’s vices as well as its virtues in the hope that both the Church and its detractors can move beyond the zero sum game of ‘us vs. them’ and explore more constructive ways of living together.”—Kevin Miller, director of Hellbound?
“In POSTCHRISTIAN, Piatt gives us an operating manual for the faith of tomorrow.”—Jason Boyett, author of O Me of Little Faith and Pocket Guide to the Afterlife
“Don’t read this book because you want to. Read it because you have to.”—Chris Yaw, founder, ChurchNext TV
“A new fresh take on the problems, possibilities, and potential of the original Christian message.”—David J. Lose, Marbury Anderson Professor of Biblical Preaching, Luther Seminary
“Not only does he connect dots like a pro theology nerd, but you can actually read the book without Advil and a dictionary.”—Tripp Fuller, founder, HomebrewedChristianity.com
“If you stick with [this book], really stick with it, hope, love, and imagination will blossom into a love-filled reality of what Christendom can evolve into: the Kingdom of God in the here and now.”—Rev. Phil Shepherd, aka The Whiskey Preacher
“Piatt peels back the dead wood of our faith and shows us the tender new life, reminding us of our core.”—Rev. Carol Howard Merritt, columnist for The Christian Century