My friend, Adam Phillips, sent this link to me the other day, as it’s something we’re considering doing ourselves. The idea is simple, though would take some effort and a little courage to do well.
You get artists, singers, musicians willing to go out into the streets and share their music with anyone they meet in a spirit of engagement, community and purveyors of joyfully selfless and unexpected moments.
You go where the people are (sound familiar?)
You have a purpose (not to recruit people into your church; that’s selfish and not something I remember Jesus focusing on as much as being a healer and servant.
You give EVERYONE you encounter an opportunity both to participate and to engage the cause.
This video is a Pop-Up Church in a Train Station in the UK. Personally I could have done without the giant crosses in the middle, but if nothing else, it helped take attention of the people involved, which should be part of the point. They’re inviting people into a sort of flash-mob singalong of “Lean on Me,” a spot-on choice for Good Friday in my universe. Then people are given a chance to drop a few coins, some food, or whatever they have to give into a donation space for a local book bank.
No preaching. No altar call. No liturgy, church building, no judgment, guilt or fear. Just coming together to sing, share joy and give. And no one saw it coming, or maybe didn’t even know they needed.
Yes, I cried, dammit. And it’s not sad at all; I’m just a big feeling-ball since I started My Jesus Project. Imagine that – following Jesus is breaking down a lot of walls. Even in me.