Happy Good Friday! Umm, I mean….
Of course the day marking Jesus’ crucifixion ain’t exactly as fun as flowers, Easter hams and egg hunts, but it’s a necessary path to it. After all, there’s no resurrection – however you understand that – without it. In that light, we’re sharing an interview we first did last Easter with Haaz Sleiman, star of the “KILLING JESUS” miniseries that came out last year. In addition to being time and interesting in itself, he talks about living in an interfaith space growing up (also deeply mired in violent conflict), as well as being a Muslim playing a Jew (Jesus) for a predominantly Christian audience.
Also, in addition to the Echo Chamber goodness, some fresh recommendations and Amy’s perennial penchant for trepidation in her Fear of the Week bit, we have our professional hacker Mike Collins back on to explain what’s going on with the attacks by the group “Anonymous” on Donald Trump that led to the release of lots of his private information online. What is doxing? Are “Anonymous” good guys or bad guys? Does this foreshadow the future of customized ayer-warfare? Paper or plastic? I mean, the questions are potentially endless!
Check it out, soak it in and stick it in your Easter bonnet for safe keeping. This is your piping hot Homebrewed Culture Cast.
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