(First version of this episode was corrupt. Please download and listen to this one instead.)
WARNING: The second half of this show, though sophomoric and childish, has quite a bit of potentially kind-unfriendly language.
When a child is captivated by TV evangelists but you’re not exactly a religious family, what do you do? In Elizabeth Mount’s case, you go to a local Unitarian-Universalist church and explore there as a family, rather than let the pomade-slicked media hucksters do the teaching.
Elizabeth, now a U-U minister in formation, is known for dedication to environmental activism and protection of indigenous environments. In particular in this episode, Slim talks to Elizabeth about being a part of the much-covered protest from a Portland bridge last year to prevent a Shell Oil tanker from passing through toward the ocean. We learn what it’s like to spend 40 consecutive hours hanging from a bridge, some 100-plus feet in the air.
As Elizabeth both says and lives, faith is about what you do, not what you say.
We chat about how to respond in constructive ways to the recent spate of terror attacks without “becoming the theme we hate,” including some kid-inspired wisdom.
And then we talk about poop. A lot. You’ve been warned. Also, because we laugh our asses off through it all – because poop is funny – the sounds gets a little sketchy. As long as you laugh along with us you won’t really notice.