Listen in as Slim breaks down with Jake Morrill, head of the Christian Universalists and Christian Unitarian Universalist Pastor, talk about what they see as the future of institutional church and religion in our culture. Do we need it? Is it worth sustaining? Does our understanding of “Church” inevitably have to evolve? Into what? Coke or Pepsi? Paper or plastic??? All will be answered, fear not.
We also talk about why the RNC was a Trumpster fire to which a certain someone continues to add lots of fuel, and what the ups and downs are of the “politics of emotion” on both sides of the aisle. And though the marriage of faith to politics has principally been a Republican theme for decades, is that identity shifting? Are Dems courting the Christian vote, and is it working?
And of course we’ll give you tips on what to read, watch and be afraid of, so you’ll have lots to occupy you other than the prospect of a standout between two of the possibly least popular candidates in recent history. So you got that going for you!