Bonnie, Alice, and the Case of the Giggles

Bonnie, Alice, and the Case of the Giggles March 30, 2012

Before Holy Week starts and we enter a more serious time on the Church calendar, I’m posting a video today just for laughs. I discovered the other day from my social media friend, author Hallie Lord , that the awesomely witty and wittily awesome Bonnie Hunt is now on Twitter at @BonnieHunt_real. Bonnie is a real renaissance woman in show business. She’s an actress, writer, director, producer, comedian, talk show host, and voiceover artist. If I had to use only one word to describe her though, it would be “funny.”

Being funny apparently runs in Bonnie’s veins because her sweet and adorable Mom, Alice, can also be a hoot. You can catch some of her one-liners by following her on Twitter at @AliceBonniesMom (Sample: “Heck is where people go who don’t believe in Gosh.”). But for a five-minute case of the giggles, watch the video below of Alice on Bonnie’s talk show from a couple of years ago. Bonnie asks her what she thinks of the photo that surfaced at the time of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps with some drug paraphernalia. The question never gets answered because hilarity ensues. Enjoy! Then head over to Twitter to give a warm hello to Alice, Bonnie and her sister, Cathleen.

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