On the Second Anniversary of “Lost’s” last episode…

On the Second Anniversary of “Lost’s” last episode… May 23, 2012

Since the TV series “Lost” aired its finale two years ago today, I’m posting a link to the article I wrote prior to the first anniversary of the show’s end, entitled “Why Lost Still Matters.” Here’s an excerpt:

Take the issues of faith and doubt: There was an ongoing clash between the characters Jack Shephard and John Locke about whether our actions and experiences in life have some unseen purpose, or whether only those things that can be scientifically proven and deduced are real.

In one heated exchange, Locke screams at Jack, “Why do you find it so hard to believe?” Jack responds, “Why do you find it so easy?” Locke exclaims, “It’s never been easy!”

Right there, you’ve got an encapsulated version of questions that most believers of all stripes have grappled with. In a world where earthquakes and tsunamis kill thousands, where people who’ve made evil decisions live to a ripe old age while innocent children die in accidents or from diseases, there can seem like plenty of reasons not to believe in a benevolent God. Yet if people are humble enough to consider the possibility that a reality exists beyond what the senses can experience, they may come to notice connections and meanings they never knew were there. “Lost” did an excellent job of bringing those questions and struggles to light in a way that resonates with the open-minded.

Read the whole article here.

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