Girl in Wheelchair Blessed by Pope Francis Believes She’s On the Road to Healing

Girl in Wheelchair Blessed by Pope Francis Believes She’s On the Road to Healing September 29, 2015

JuliaBruzzese(Photo property of WCBS TV)

When Pope Francis arrived at Kennedy Airport last week, 12-year-old Julia Bruzzese of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, waited on the tarmac with many other spectators, hoping to get a blessing from the beloved pontiff. Actually, Julie was hoping for a miracle because doctors couldn’t determine the cause of her paralysis and therefore couldn’t provide any treatment. They suspected it might be Lyme disease, but there was no actual evidence to confirm their suspicion.

As I said in my post the other day, Pope Francis is drawn to people who are in wheelchairs. So when he saw Julia, he went over to her and gave her the blessing she was looking for.

Five days later, Julia believes she’s on her way to a miracle. Not the kind where she suddenly gets up out of her wheelchair and walks. Rather, as she told WCBS TV’s Dick Brennan, “The miracle has begun. Yesterday, I went to the doctor and for the first time they saw Lyme disease activity in my blood and that just shows a miracle can happen if you believe, just like I did. If you believe and pray everything can happen.”

Julia still has a long road ahead, but for the first time in months she’s got real hope. And sometimes hope itself can lead to miracles.

You can watch Brennan’s report below or read the full story at the link.

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