December 16, 2014

What happens when you put an archery range inside an abandoned grocery store and call it a church? Read more

December 9, 2014

When I think of my faith, I do not see it as a love affair. I don’t envision myself sitting across a table in a candlelit restaurant, staring into Jesus’ eyes, casually flirting with him. I don’t picture myself walking hand-in-hand on a beach, opening a love note from Jesus, or climbing into bed next to him. Read more

December 3, 2014

Christians used to do some pretty crazy stuff. But in the past few years I’ve noticed the tables turning — secularists are now doing the nutty things religious zealots used to do. Read more

November 26, 2014

The media is becoming one giant, seething outrage machine. It’s making it harder for us to be thankful for all we've been given. Read more

November 19, 2014

This DVD has been used by thousands of church leaders around the world. It's a wake up call that helps congregations realize why it's so important to reach more men and boys. Read more

November 13, 2014

There was a time when it was considered normal for men to interact with children they did not know in public settings. Today we'd see such a man as a potential pedophile or pervert. How did men become scary? Read more

November 4, 2014

There’s a growing movement in our country to scrap marriage altogether, or to privatize the institution – allowing couples to draft legal contracts that specify the terms of their unions. How will the church and its men respond? Read more

October 28, 2014

The typical Christmas/Easter/Mother’s Day lineup all but guarantees that men will find nothing compelling during their visit to church. Holiday worship services reinforce the male belief that Christianity is for women and children. Read more

October 21, 2014

What is the purpose of men's ministry – to focus men on new battles, or to help men win the battles they already face? Read more

October 13, 2014

Some 90% of parents spank their kids – yet they are given absolutely no instruction on what constitutes a healthy spanking, because the experts tell us there’s no such thing. Read more

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