September 11, 2018

If it’s true in psychology that the individual mind often can’t distinguish between memories, sensations and imagination, then it is much more powerfully true of the “mass mind” under the influence of “fake news.” It has never been more important to redefine truth as that which transforms and aligns with Love. Read more

September 4, 2018

What would have happened, if Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary the companion of Jesus had adopted the tools of modern political pundits to intervene on Jesus’ behalf over the last 24 hours of Jesus' Earthly life? What wouldn't have happened? Read more

August 28, 2018

Suppose you were a reporter for the Jerusalem Post and you heard Jesus telling this story. You found it hard to believe, so you spent the next three days interviewing the priests, the Levites and the innkeepers of Jericho. None of them could verify Jesus’s story. In other words, it wasn’t factual. . . but was it true? Read more

August 21, 2018

Compassion, I believe, is born when love meets fear. But compassion unfolds, in four stages, in an epigenetic fashion – each subsequent stage incorporates but transcends the previous stage. And each stage has both its own beauty – and its own downsides. Read more

August 14, 2018

I just finished reading the book you wrote, you know the one called, “The Bible”. It’s a great book, lots of miracles an’ stuff, but kinda scary at the same time. Is it OK, Yahweh, if I ask you a few questions? Read more

August 7, 2018

The layperson’s conception of enlightenment is similar to the lay conception of a heavenly kingdom: one passes through The Gate and then dwells there forever after. But, what if the incredible gift of earthly life is not merely an annoyance or a test that we must put up with before being granted all of the goodies? Read more

July 31, 2018

What if the cosmos is able to spin off as many parallel universes as are necessary in order to afford each soul the opportunity to ‘fill the spacesuit’ of any historical or current character? If so, there is a universe in which Jesus of Nazareth is also playing you. Wouldn’t you love to know just how he is playing you? Read more

July 24, 2018

Is "the lost sheep" a sinner or a seeker - one who clings to orthodoxy or one who expands beyond it? Is it a question of fear v. freedom? What precisely is God's role in this expanding drama of incarnation? Read more

July 10, 2018

Life is Improv – there is no script and no plot, just players parachuted into a pre-existing world and tasked with moving it towards Christ Consciousness. You are not the role you are playing; and the drama itself is not ultimate reality. So, who/what are you? Read more

July 2, 2018

When we wade into the water, we can measure out our courage, and as long as our toes can touch the bottom, we have no need of faith. What happens when our toes no longer touch. Will we drown? Read more

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